Coffee Shops

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The girls went home a week later but Luke insisted that I stayed. I had nothing to go home to so I could stay for a while. A small bump had began to form on my stomach from the kids and I was so excited when I first saw it.

"I miss Madi" Michael pouted as we walked into the house after a day at the studio. I had been here for a few days extra now and I am having a great time hanging out with the boys like we use to.

"I'm so tired" I said as I fell back against the couch. I closed my eyes and laid my head back.

"Liv, do you want a cup of tea?" Luke asked.

"Yes please" I told him as I opened my eyes to look at him and he smiled before walking to the kitchen. Ashton fell back on the couch next to me and I smiled. "Hey" I said with a smile.

"Hey, how are you three going?" He asked and I laughed.

"Pretty good" I told him with a laugh.

"I can't believe you two are having two kids" He said and I nodded. "I remember when we first met you at Cal's house. It doesn't seem like that long ago" He said and I chuckled.

"It's crazy" I told him and he chuckled. I looked at my stomach and smiled at the small bump that was beginning to form. Luke hadn't seen it yet because I have been wearing loose clothes. Luke walked in with two cups and sat them on the table in front of the couch before sitting down next to me and draping his arm over my shoulder. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and smiled at me. "Can I show you something?" I asked him with a half smile as I bit my lip.

"Okay?" he said but it sounded like a question. The boys were all on their phones and watching the football on TV so I turned back to Luke and smiled up at him.

"Pass me your hand" I said as I put my hand out. He put his on my own and crinkled his eyebrows in confusion. I brought his hand down to my stomach and lifted up my shirt so that I could slip his hand under it. I pressed his warm hand to my stomach and his eyes went wide.

"You've got a bump" He said with a smile. I nodded as I laughed slightly. He began to lift up my shirt but he looked at me first to silently ask for permision. I nodded and he lifted it up to see the small bump. "Oh my god" he whispered as he ran his hand across the skin.

"What are you two doing?" Ashton asked as he looked over at us.

"She's starting to get a baby bump" Luke said with a smile as he looked at his best friends. Michael and Calum rushed over.

"Aw!" Calum said as he patted Luke on the shoulder.

"I still can't believe you two are having kids. I mean, you are only twenty one. Don't you think that's a bit young?" Michael asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't want to be an old parent who can't do things with their kids because they are too old or something. I want to be able to see my kids grow up and be able to do things with them" I told them and they nodded. Luke wrapped his arms around me and I smiled as I buried my head in his neck.

When I pulled away Luke pressed his lips to mine. The boys groaned playfully and I rolled my eyes at them.

"Shut up. Madi and Michael are the worst. You are always making out" Luke said and I laughed.

"Have you told the fans yet?" Cal asked and I looked to Luke. He didn't want to tell the fans yet but we might have to because soon, it will be pretty obvious that I am pregnant.

"No but we probably should" he said and I nodded. We all talked for a while before Luke insisted that he showed me something. He dragged me to the bedroom and told me to sit down as he grabbed a shopping bag. "Okay, I bought these yesterday because I couldn't resist" Luke said as he grabbed the things out of the bag. I laughed when he laid them out on the bed. He had bought two one piece suits for babies but on the front of each said 'My daddy's a rock star'

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