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"Liv! Can we put up the Christmas tree this after noon? Please!" Luke begged as he walked into the lounge room. He fell back on the couch next to me and had a look at what I was doing on my laptop. "Why are you looking for a job?" He asked and I turned to him.

"You can't pay for everything Luke and plus, I need money to be able to go to uni" I said and he shook his head.

"No, I have enough money to pay for it. I want to pay for it"

"Luke, I feel awful about it though" I said and he shut my laptop. I sighed as he moved it to the coffee table. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"How do you want to pay for it Liv? Because I promise you that a part time job at a café won't do it" He said and I looked at the wall behind him.

"I was going to ask my dad if he could help out and then pay him back later" I said and Luke put his fingers under my chin and guided my gaze back to his.

"How about we not think about this right now, instead lets put up the christmas tree" He said with a big smile and I nodded. He jumped off the couch and grabbed the tree we bought the other day. He started to set it up as I got the decorations.

Christmas was in a week and Luke was extremely excited because this was the first Christmas we would be spending together as a serious couple.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked Luke as I placed the bags of decorations on the couches.

"Yes please" Luke said with a smile as he cleared a space near the wall in the lounge room. I smiled as I walked out into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I got out an apple cider for my self and one of Luke's beers for him. I opened the bottles before going to the lounge room.

"For you" I said with a smile as I placed the beer on the table.

"Thank you beautiful" He said as he wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "How does it look?" He asked as he pointed to the tree.

"Very nice" I said as I placed my drink on the coffee table. "Can we put some music on? It's too quiet here" I said as I started to get out the decorations.

"Sure, any requests?" Luke said as he got out his phone.

"No not really just not that shitty band 5 Seconds of Summer" I joked and Luke laughed.

"Yeah they are awful. Especially that guy with the blonde hair and lip piercing" He said and I laughed. He put his phone on shuffle and All Time Low started to play.

We decorated the house in Christmas decorations for the rest of the afternoon as we listened to various bands and artists on Luke's phone. Once we were done, we fell back against the couch. The lounge room now had a Christmas tree in front of the window so that you could see it from out side. The house had various different colours of tinsel up and a few little decorations up as well.

"Good job babe. I think we did a good job"

"It looks like 5 year olds decorated the tree" I said with a laugh.

"We may be 18 but we are 5 at heart" Luke said with a smile as he draped his arm over my shoulder.

"Oh, I have been meaning to ask you. Where the hell are your pants?" I asked. At sometime throughout the after noon, Luke had taken off his pants and was just roaming the house in just his boxers and a singlet. I must admit that it was quite distracting.

"They were annoying me and I do my best decorating when in my underwear" He told me as he leant forward and grabbed his drink.

"What ever" I smiled as I stood up.

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