Home Sweet Home

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"Olivia!" Abby yelled before running over to me. I continued walking due to the pain in my ribs. Yeah, it begins to hurt after sitting down for a while. Abby wrapped her arms around my shoulders and hugged me tightly. I wrapped mine around her waist and hugged her back. "I missed you!" She said into my ear. We had both spoken on Skype and Facetime a little bit but due to the fact that both of our schedules were packed, we hardly spoke much.

And because of everything happening, Abby and I moved out of the apartment we were sharing and moved back home. It was easier for the both of us and cheaper too considering neither of us were actually living in there at the moment.

"I missed you too" I said into her hair. Once we pulled apart my mum ran up to me. She had a small bump forming due to the baby. She smiled brightly at me before engulfing me in a hug. I smiled brightly as I saw my step siblings and step dad there. I pulled away from my Mum and she smiled.

"I missed you" She said before hugging me again. I pulled away and Melissa ran over to me. She hugged me lightly, obviously knowing about my ribs.

"Hey Mel" I said as I hugged her. "How are you?" I asked and she pulled away. She smiled up at me.

"Awesome" She smiled. "I lost some teeth!" She said and pulled her cheeks out to show me four missing teeth in front of her mouth. I smiled at her as I pushed her long blonde hair off her shoulder. Melissa's hair is perfect. No joke. She has dirty blonde hair with light blonde highlights through it. It looks like something you would go get done at the salon but no, it's completely natural. It's also really long, like down to her hips.

"That's good" I smiled. Next Michael came over to me. "Hey" I said and engulfed him in a hug. He just smiled awkwardly. When I was getting over Luke, Michael (My Step brother) reminded me of both Calum and Michael which reminded me of Luke so it was a very rough spot when they moved in with us. Michael really does remind me of Calum and Michael though. He plays all these games that they did and the way he acted was crazy, just like them.

"Hi" He smiled before I gave my step dad, John, a hug. I went to baggage claim and got my suitcase before we walked to the car, which had seven seats so we all fit. My mum and John sat in the front seat while Mel and Mike sat in the middle row and Abby and I in the very back. Once we were all in the car and our seatbelts were on John began to move the car.

"How have you been?" I asked Abby. She sighed and leant her head back against the seat.

"I've been alright. I have pretty much accepted his death but I am still trying to get used to it" She breathed out. "How about you? We haven't spoken in ages since you were in hospital" She said.

"I'm good, yeah. Much better now" I said with a half smile.

"We will talk more when we get to your place. I feel like there is so much you're not telling me" She said with a smirk and I chuckled.

"yeah, that sounds good" I said with a smile. The rest of the drive I was quiet. Only speaking when I was spoken to. I liked it better this way, I liked watching people interact and listening to them speak rather than joining in. I don't know why, it was just like that.


"I love you" I said into my phone as I Facetimed Luke.

"I love you too" He said with a smile. "I miss you though"

"I miss you too" I said with a small pout.

"Oh, guess what" Luke said with a grin.

"What?" I asked him.

"there were some fans at the airport yesterday and they filmed us at the gate to your flight. So, if you go on twitter your mentions will most likely be filled with that video and pictures of us" Luke said with a small laugh. I laughed briefly as well. Luke stifled a yawn and I laughed at the expression on his face when he did so.

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