Good Luck

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"OH MY GOD!" Liz screamed before running out of the room and slamming the door shut behind her. Luke cursed loudly before he quickly got up and removed the protection barrier from himself while I quickly pulled the covers of Luke's bed over my bare body. He threw the protection layer in the bin before pulling on his boxers and some sweat pants.

"You okay?" Luke asked me as he sat on the bed next to me and buried my head in my hands and I burst into tears. "What's wrong?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my body.

"She is going to hate me now" I said and Luke laughed lightly before kissing the top of my head. I pulled away and looked at him. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and wiped away my tears as he half smiled at me.

"No she isn't. She won't, I promise" He said before laughing. "I can't believe that just happened though" He whispered before bursting out laughing. I laughed too as I held the blanket close to my body.

"It's going to be really awkward now" I told him and he nodded before leaning forward to kiss me quickly. His lips lingered on mine for a few seconds before I pulled away.

"Yeah I know"

"Did you want to talk to her first?" I asked and he nodded. I giggled as I cupped his red cheeks in my hands. "I love you" I told him and he laughed. "I can't believe she just walked in though, like just this once she didn't knock and she walks in on us doing... that" I said and we laughed together.

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry" He said before leaning in and kissing me. His arms wrapped around me tightly as he kissed me. His warm hands roamed over my back before I pulled away and he rested his hands on the small of my back. He drew random patterns on the bare skin of my back as I leant my forehead against his. "I love you beautiful"

"I love you too" I told him with a smile.

"Well I am going to go talk to her. You get dressed and I will be right back" he whispered before kissing me quickly again and walking to the door. "It will be okay, I promise you that" He smiled before walking out the door.

Once he walked out I quickly found all my clothes and put them back on. I pulled my hair back into a messy bun. I sat down on the edge of the bed and waited for Luke to come back and a few minutes later he walked in with rosy cheeks.

"Um, Mum wants to talk to you" He said. I laughed at how awkward he was being as I nodded. I stood up and began to walk out of the room.

"Are you coming?" I asked him and he nodded. We walked out of his room and downstairs to where Liz was sitting on the couch with wide eyes and red cheeks.

"Mum?" Luke said and her eyes shot up to where we were. She quickly stood up and motioned for us to sit where she was just sitting. Luke and I sat down next to each other but not to close.

"Um, well... I know that you two are, ah, quite serious and all, but I think that you two should um... save such... intimate, um, moments for when you two move into your own home" She managed to get out. I could feel my cheeks burning red as she continued to speak. "Or next time you plan on doing that... make sure we aren't home. Please" She begged.

"Well, make sure you knock next time" Luke said as he glared at his mother. I hit his thigh lightly and he looked at me. "What?" He whispered.

"Don't speak to your Mum that way" I whispered and I heard Liz laugh. I looked up to Liz who's cheeks were still red.

"I will promise to knock next time, but only if you promise to keep it in your pants until you are in the house alone" Liz said and I burst out laughing as Luke's cheeks went impossibly darker as he blushed.

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