Lets Talk

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Luke, Calum and I went to the police station. They questioned the three of us before letting us go.

"Thank you" I said to them both as I picked up both of their hands.

"It's okay" Calum said.

"We would do anything for you Liv" Luke smiled. I laid my head on Luke's shoulder as the taxi drove us back to my hotel. The car ride was pretty much silent apart from the soft sound of the radio. Once we got to the hotel Luke insisted on paying. We thanked the taxi driver quickly before getting out and making our way back upstairs.

"Hey, how did you go?" Abby asked as we walked in. I just covered my face in my hands and burst into tears. I am sick of doing this. I wish I had never come to LA because then that incident with Brad would have never have happened but if I didn't come to LA then I wouldn't have met the boys again.

I felt two, strong arms wrap around me. I instantly knew who it was. He guided me out of the room before I lifted my head back up again.

"What's wrong?" He asked me quietly as he placed a strand of stray hair behind my ear. I grabbed ahold of his open jacket and pulled him closer to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist, my arms were instantly warmed by the heat from inside of his large coat.

"I am sick of this Luke. I wish none of this would have happened. I wish this was all just a bad dream and that I would wake up soon" I told him as I buried my face into his chest and tightened my arms around him from beneanth the warm coat.

"I know, I wish the same thing Liv. I just want you to be happy and safe" Luke said and kissed the top of my head. I took a few deep breaths before looking up at the blonde haired, blue eyed boy.

"Thank you Luke, at least someone cares" I whispered with a small smile.

"You know, I will always care about you" he told me and I smiled. "I love you"

"Luke, it's a bit impossible to love someone you doesn't love themselves" I told him.

"No it's not. I love you more then anyone could ever know"

"You can't love someone who doesn't-"

"Liv, do you want to try dating again?" he asked me. I looked up at him and he looked a bit nervous. My stomach flipped as the words left his mouth.

"Yes" I whispered before he kissed me.

"Olivia! Wake up! We are going to be late" I heard someone say as my shoulders shook. My eyes opened and I saw Abby standing next to my bed. It was just a dream, damn it. "Come on, they are going to be here soon" Abby said before walking out. I took deep breath before getting out of the comfy bed. I walked into the bathroom and had a shower.

Once I was finished I put on a pair of jeans and a sweater because I didn't want people to see the bruises on my wrists. I applied makeup to my neck where Brad had also left bruises. Once I was finished with my neck I applied a layer of makeup to my face. I looked extremely pale and had a bruise on my cheek so I didn't want people questioning it.

"Liv, they're here" Abby said as she poked her head in the bathroom.

"Do I look alright?" I asked her and she nodded. I walked out with her and into the lounge room where the 4 teenage boys were.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luke asked as he gave me a quick hug.

"Yeah, lets go. I just want to get this over and done with" I said and we all made our way down to the car to head to the police station.


"Oh, I forgot. This girl I met the other day was a big fan of you guys and was wondering if you could follow her on twitter. Here's her user" I said as I handed Michael a piece of paper. I sat down next to Luke and laid my head on his shoulder.

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