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June 2016

Luke left for a tour until October and we had recently, over face time, decided that we would have the wedding here in Sydney at the park that I went to, to get Luke after he ran out of Calum's the second day after I met him. We will also have it in early November in the evening. The guest list will be small, consisting of only close friends and family.

It was now the end of June and Madi and I were organising stuff for the wedding.

"So, who is going so far?" She asked as we wrote a list.

"Liz, Andrew, My dad and his partner, the four boys, you, becky and Luke's brothers" I said and she nodded.

"What about grandparents?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Not my mum's because then that will drag my mum into it and my dad's parents died but add Luke's. I'm sure he would want them there" I told her and she nodded.

"I'm tired and I have a headache, can we leave this for later?" I asked and she nodded. It was Friday night and she was sleeping over because we both missed the boys. Just as I was shutting laptop facetime went off. I opened it back up to see that Luke was calling. I smiled and a little squeak of excitement left my lips as I answered it.

"Luke, Hi. I miss you" I said when I saw his face.

"Hey baby, how are you?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm alright. I just have a headache" I said with a pout.

"Aw baby, I'm sorry I'm not there to cuddle you" He said and I laughed slightly.

"It doesn't matter though. How are you?" I asked and he went into a whole description as to how amazing the 5SOS fam is.

"They are so dedicated and ah, I just love them" he said and I smiled at him.

"I'm glad you are having a good time"

"Thank you beautiful" He smiled. "How is the planning going?" He asked and I looked over at Madi who was on her phone.

"Good. We have done the guests and we are going to make the invites tomorrow before planning a bunch of other shit" I said with a laugh.

"Aw yay" he said with a big smile, his dimples showing. We talked for a while longer before he went to sleep. I sighed as I closed my laptop and Madi looked over at me.

"Hey, what happened to that friend of yours? Abby, was that her name?"

"We just kind of stopped talking. Kinda sad I guess but yeah" I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"You have me now! So it doesn't matter!" She smiled as she wrapped her arms around me.


I walked into the super market alone, like usual. Luke was coming home in two days and I couldn't be happier. Everything was planned for the wedding and now all we have to do is wait.

I decided that I would get all the food and usual things from the shops now rather than later when Luke was here.

Once I had gotten everything I went to the line to get served. As I was waiting a magazine caught my eye. I waited until I was closer to it to see what was on the front. When I saw it my heart sunk and tears prickled at the corners of my eyes. The headline on the front of the page read:

Luke Hemmings cheating on his fiancé with not one but two girls?

Then all over the page was pictures of him with two girls in LA. Their were two lots of pictures so that meant he was with them on different days. There were pictures of him hugging both girls as well as him leaving and entering the hotel with them as well. There were also pictures of the girls leaving the hotel alone. It all made me want to throw up. I snatched up the magazine before buying my groceries and leaving in a huff.

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