Secrets and Suprises

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On that Sunday we left for the UK. I hadn't told anyone that I was having twins yet. Only Liz and I knew, it was our little secret. It freaked me out a bit though. Two babies. Luke and I are having two babies. Once the plane landed, we went through security and stuff before heading to the house we would all be staying at for a week. The boys had no idea we were here so we were going to surprise them at the studio at about 5pm.

Madi helped me with my suitcase because she thought that I couldn't do anything on my own. I laughed as I took it from her and we walked up to the front door. The crew member let us in and we all took our bags to our partners rooms. I dumped my bag on Luke's messy floor and laid down on the bed. I let out a sigh as a smile formed on my lips. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Luke.

Me: I miss you :-(

Luke: I miss you too baby xox

It was 4pm here so we decided that we would slowly get ready. Nikki got dressed into a pretty dress that Calum would love on her and Madi wore a skater skirt, a rolling stones shirt and some boots. I looked over at Becky who was wearing a pair of shorts and a nice shirt. I went for my classic black skinny jeans and paired it with a 5SOS shirt.

"Are you wearing that?" Nikki asked as she looked at my outfit compared to everyone else's. I nodded. "Don't you want to get dressed up for him? You haven't seen him in months and I am sure that-"

"No. I am going to wear comfy clothes. He won't care. He hasn't seen me in over two months so I am sure that he won't give two shits as to what I am wearing" I said with a smile before going to the bathroom. I did my hair before applying some makeup. I walked out to see the girls on their phones and I slipped on some black converse.

We all walked out to the car and slipped inside before it made way for the studio. I text one of the crew members that helped us organise the whole surprise and told him to take the boys out of the studio so that we could sneak in.

Once we arrived a crew member met us outside and lead us to the studio they were working in.

"Thank you" I said with a big smile as he let us in.

"It's okay. They miss you girls so hopefully it will help them out to see you again" He said and I nodded. "I will bring them back in a few minutes. Make sure you are ready" He said and I nodded. We decided that we weren't going to hide, instead we sat on the couch and waited. I stood up at the end of the couch, far away from the door. I was nervous to tell Luke about the pregnancy. I know that he wants a baby but I don't know how he will feel about twins.

We could hear their laughs and I turned to the door. The girls stood up and the door opened. The boys didn't notice them at first but when Calum stopped dead in his tracks when his eyes landed on Nikki they all noticed. The girls jumped on top of them and I tried to see Luke but I couldn't.

"Olivia!" Luke yelled out as he pushed through the boys. His eyes lit up as I ran up to him. I smiled as I buried my head into his neck and wrapped my arms around him. "What're you doing here?" he asked and I laughed slightly.

"I can leave if you wish" I said as I pointed to the door with my thumb. He just laughed before ducking down and attaching his lips to mine. My hands went to the back of his head as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his hands cupped under my thighs.

"I missed you" he whispered when he pulled away. He leant his forehead against mine and I laughed slightly. "What?" He asked with a smile.

"I just can't believe we are together again" I whispered before pressing my lips to his once more. Once we had all reunited the crew gave the boys the rest of the day off and we went out for dinner.

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