Tears and Cuddles

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I pulled into the drive way of my old home and took a deep breath. I got out of the car and walked up to the front door. I knocked and a few seconds later I could hear someone coming to answer the door. The door opened to reveal my mum.

"Hi mum" I said and her smile looked kind of forced.

"oh, hi Olivia. I wasn't expecting you" She said as she stood in the door way, like she didn't want me to enter.

"I thought I would surprise you" I said and she nodded as she stepped out of the way. I stepped inside and saw that she was already packing stuff up. We walked into the kitchen and John was there.

"um... Hi olivia" He said he looked at my mum and she shrugged her shoulders. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I thought I would come visit" I said and he looked at mum again.

"You should call first, it's rude to just drop by" He said rudely.

"Oh.. Sorry" I said and looked around the room at the boxes. "So I hear you are moving" I said as I looked back at her.

"Who told you that?" My mum asked.

"Liz hear-"

"Ugh, I can't stand that woman" My mum said to John. I frowned. "But yes, we are moving"

"When were you planning on telling me?" I asked them and John laughed bitterly.

"It doesn't exactly concern you so you had no right to know" John said, I was surprised by the way that they were acting. Ever since my mum and John had become a couple they both acted weirdly towards me.

"Sorry but I thought since I am apart of this family that I-"

"You are not a part of this family" John said as he stepped away from my mum and walked towards me. "You are a selfish little girl who won't go anywhere in life. So just leave Olivia and don't bother coming back to us" He said with a evil smile.

"Mum" I said as I stepped away from John to look at her.

"Olivia. I said leave, we don't want you here. We never did, why do you think we urged you to leave the house with that weird friend of yours" He said.

"He is not my 'weird friend'! He is my boyfriend! I love him more than anyone!"

"He is a weirdo and he will leave you soon enough" He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Mum, are you just going to let him speak to me this way?!" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Just go Olivia" She said. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I turned around and ran to the front door. I knew I wasn't wanted or loved by that woman I used to call my Mother

"Livy?" I heard Mel's little voice from the lounge room, I turned to see her walking up to me. She smiled as she ran up to me and hugged me. "Whats wrong?" She asked me.

"There is bad people in this world Mel. Just don't let them get to you okay?" I said as I hugged her.

"Okay" She chirped.

"Hey Liv, I thought I heard you" Michael said as he wondered down stairs.

"Olivia. What are you still doing here?" My mum said as she stormed into the entry.

"Mummy what are you doing?" Mel asked as she was pulled away from me.

"Goodbye Olivia" My mum said as she opened the door.

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