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"Play another one" She said with a small smile on her lips. I smiled at her as she looked down at Jackson and patted him. I was currently playing her songs from our album and EPs to try and distract her from everything that has happened to her recently. She was leaning against the pillows on my bed while I was leaning against the wall watching her. Jackson was laying next to her legs.

"Okay, this one is Lost Boy and it reminds me of when we were broken up" I said and she frowned. I started to play the song and she laid her head on one of the pillows as she watched me. I smiled at her as I sung. She had a small smile on her lips as she listened to me sing.

This girl is so beautiful. I can't even get over the fact that she actually said yes to been my girlfriend back when we were in high school. I love her so much and if I lost her either to her ending her life or us breaking up, I would be ruined. I have never loved anyone as much as I love her and I can't loose her. I just can't. I need her in my life more than anything, she is my everything and with out her I would be nothing.

"Did you like that one?" I asked her and she nodded. Sadly, she hasn't been able to listen to the album yet. She went into hospital two days before it came out and when she did get it, she couldn't bring herself to listen to it. She said that it made her super emotional and that she couldn't do that to herself. She nodded at me and I smiled. There was a knock at my bedroom door and I got up to open it.

"What's up?" I asked and my mum smiled at me.

"The pizza guy is down stairs" She said and I nodded.

"Thank you" I said before turning to Liv. "I will be right back" I siad before kissing the top of her head. I picked up my wallet and walked down stairs to get the pizza. I opened the door and a boy stood there holding two boxes of pizza, a garlic bread and a bottle of coke.

"Hey" I said and he looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey. That will be $17" he said and I nodded as I got out my money.

"Here" I said as I passed the money to him.

"Hey, you're Luke Hemmings right?" He said and I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I am"

"My friend loves you guys, I think you are her favourite. She always goes on about how she loves you guys and she saying stuff about one of your girlfriends" He said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait, what does she say about her?" I asked.

"She is just really mean and stuff. The girl goes to my school and everyone is mean to her. I want to tell them to stop but I can't" He told me and I frowned. "She is quite pretty and she seems really nice"

"That's because she is. She's my girlfriend" I said and the boy nodded. "Please stand up for her. I can't be there for her and she is really insecure so she can't stand up for her self so please help her out" I told him and he nodded.

"Sure thing man. It was nice to meet you. I better get going though. I got other pizza's to deliver"

"Okay, thank you" I said before closing the door and turning around to see Liv at the top of the stairs. I smiled at her and she looked at her sock covered feet. I made my way upstairs to her and followed her back into my room, well it's pretty much our room. When we walked in Jackson was sitting on the bed wagging his tail. I smiled at him before putting the pizzas down on my old desk that now has nothing on it.

"What were you and that boy talking about?" She questioned and I turned to look at her sitting on the edge of my bed, her big blue eyes looking up at me through her lashes.

"Nothing baby, lets just eat" I said as I passed her a piece of pizza. She smiled at me as I sat down next to her and kissed her cheek. Once we were finished eating I threw out the rubish and Liv and I laid down.

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