Goodbye... Again

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"I can't believe you are leaving in two days" Luke said as he pulled me closer to his bare chest.

"I know," I breathed, "I really don't want to go" I said as Luke began to press soft, long kisses all over the top of my back. Goosebumps formed on my skin as I leant my head forward so that he would have better access to the back of my neck.

"I don't think I'm ready for you to go" He whispered, his hot breath fanning across my back as he spoke. I smiled as I buried my head further into the pillow and closed my eyes. We laid together for a while. Just enjoying the feeling of being together.

"Luke" I said as I turned around so that I was facing him.

"Yeah?" he said as his eyes opened.

"What are you doing today? Don't you have an interview or something?" I questioned as I fiddled with the necklace I got him for his birthday.

"Nothing, I have a day off today" he said and I looked at him. "The boys might want to do something but other than that, nothing" He smiled before kissing my forehead. I smiled up at him as I placed my hand on his cheek.

"I love you" I whispered and his smile brightened.

"I love you more" He whispered as he bumped my nose with his. I started to laugh slightly.

"Nah" I said as I shook my head.

"yeah" He smirked at me before pressing his lips to mine. We laid in bed for a while before we got a message from Ashton asking if we wanted to go out for lunch. We agreed before we got up and got dressed.

"Olivia" Luke said as he showered.

"Luke" I mocked him with a smile as I put my makeup on at the mirror in the bathroom.

"Why do you put that shit on?" He questioned and I rolled my eyes. How many times does he have to ask that question?

"Luke, I have told you before" I told him as I pulled out my mascara and applied it to my lashes.

"But you look beautiful without it" he said as he shut the shower off and grabbed a towel.

"Luke, this is the last time I will tell you this," I said as I placed my mascara down and turned to look at him. "When I wear makeup I feel better about my self. When I don't wear make up I feel exposed and not very good about my self" I said and he frowned at me.

"Okay, I'm sorry" Luke said as he pressed his lips to my bare shoulder. "But you are beautiful whether you wear that stuff or not, okay?"

"Okay" I smiled. Luke walked out of the small room and I checked over my makeup before putting my bag back where it was. I walked out to the bedroom to see Luke with just his black skinny jeans. I stopped in the doorway and admired the view for a moment before walking over to my suitcase. I picked up a shirt and pulled it on. I went over to the full length mirror in the room and checked my reflection.

I was wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans and a black peplum shirt.

"Baby, you look beautiful" Luke said and I turned to look at him. He had a half smile on his lips as he looked at me. "Trust me" he smiled and I smiled back. I slipped on some socks and my black vans before getting my hand bag. There was a knock on the door and Luke answered it.

"Hey man" He said and I knew it was Ash. I smiled as I walked up to him and hugged him.

"Hi Ash" I smiled and pulled away.

"Hey, hows it going?" he questioned.

"Good, you?" I asked and he nodded before telling me that he was alright. Once we were ready, we made our way out to go to lunch. We walked along the busy streets of LA and people were beginning to notice Luke and Ashton. You could tell by the girls along the street squealing and whispering. A crowd began to form around us as the girls asked for photos.

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