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April 2018

Luke has been away for just over a month and a half now. It has been weird. This time I am more emotional than ever. Madi has been staying with me a lot because the Uni she attends is closer to my house than her house.

It was Wednesday morning and I had woken up early because I felt really sick. I had no idea why so I got up and checked the time. 6:17am. I sighed as I made my way to the kitchen and made a tea. As I was getting out the tea bag I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up so I quickly ran to the bathroom and hurled. Once I was done, I flushed the toilet and sat down on the tiles. Madi rushed into the bathroom and dropped to the ground next to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked and I looked up at her.

"I just threw up. I have no idea-" I was cut off by another wave of nausea and I threw up again. Madi held back my hair as she rubbed small circles on my back. Once I was finished I sat back down and Madi looked at me with a knowing smile. "What?" I asked as I wiped my mouth with my hand and stood up. I grabbed my toothbrush and began to wash the disgusting taste out of my mouth. I looked at Madi in the mirror and she was still smiling. "What are you smiling about?" I mumbled as I took my toothbrush out of my mouth and turned to look at her.

"You will realise in a second" She said and continued standing there. I rolled my eyes and turned around to continue brushing my teeth. As I washed away the taste I thought of what I had eaten to throw up. I couldn't think of anything so I thought of other reasons as to why. Was I sick? Was it just a random one off thing? Or was it- Oh my god. I spat out the tooth paste and turned around.

"Holy shit!" I yelled and Madi nodded. "I could be pregnant!" I yelled and Madi nodded.

"Take a test!" She said.

"Oh my god... I could be pregnant" I quieter as I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Take a test so we know" Madi said as she pulled my hand away from my mouth. I nodded as I turned to the cupboard. I grabbed a three tests from the box and Madi left the room. I peed on all three of the sticks and called Madi in. We sat on the floor and waited for two minutes to find out the results.

That was the longest two minutes of my life. The first minute felt like an hour and the second on seemed to drag on. I was fiddling with my fingers as Madi timed.

"Okay," Madi said and I looked at her. "We can look now" She said and I let out a shaky breath.

"I'm scared" I told her and she smiled brightly at me.

"We will all be here for you." She said and I smiled at her. We both stood up and had our backs to the three tests. "Ready?" She said and I nodded. "You look first" She said. I took a deep breath before turning around.

I let out a scream as I saw three positive tests sitting in a row.

"I'm pregnant!" I screamed as tears formed in my eyes. "I'm going to have a baby. Luke and I are going to have a baby" I said as I covered my mouth and tears slipped down my cheeks.

"Olivia! I am so happy for you!" Madi said as she wrapped her arms around me. "I can't believe it. I am going to be an Aunty" She said jokingly with a hint of seriousness. I pulled away and she laughed slightly. "Aw, Liv" She said before hugging me.

"I have to tell Luke" I said and she stopped me.

"No don't. Maybe you should go over there for a visit and tell him face to face" She said and I nodded.

"I have to book an appointment with the doctor to make sure I am actually pregnant anyways" I said and she nodded.

"I am going to take the day off today so we can hang out. All three of us" She said and I laughed. I put the tests in the bin and we walked out to the kitchen. "I will shout you a cup of tea" She said and I laughed as I sat up on the bench. I lifted my shirt and looked at my stomach with a smile. There's a baby in there, mine and Luke's little baby.

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