Happy Birthday

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November 2019

"Luke?" I called out as I changed Macy's nappy. "Luke!" I yelled louder. He strolled into the room and smiled at me.

"What's up?"

"Can you take their dirty nappies out to the bin please?" I asked him and he nodded. He walked out and I smiled down at Macy. "is that all better?" I asked her as she smiled at me as she put her fingers in her mouth. I picked her up off the table and grabbed Ellie from the cot and took them to the kitchen.

Our little girls were nearly one and we couldn't be happier. They have grown so much and are always so happy. They both had their dad's blue eyes and dimples. They also have hair that grows really quickly, like mine but the funny thing is Ellie's hair is the same colour as Luke's and Macy's is like mine. Luke claims that they have my smile but I don't see it.

I placed them in their high chairs and gave them their water cups while I went to grab their breakfast. Luke strolled into the room and washed his hands before sitting next to Macy. I gave him her food and I sat next to Ellie.

"Are you hungry?" I questioned as I mixed the food up. I tickled her foot that was near my knee slightly and she laughed. I began to spoon small amounts of food into her mouth. I could feel Luke looking at me so I looked up and smiled at him. "What are you looking at?" I questioned.

"You look beautiful" He smiled and I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

"Stop lying to your self Luke" I said as I gave Ellie some more food. After a while we finished feeding them and we took them to their room to dress them. Luke grabbed them two little 5SOS shirts that a fan gave him and some little leggings. I smiled as I dressed Ellie. "You are just so cute" I said with a smile. "You are cute" I said as I began to tickle her softly. She began to laugh as I blew raspberries on her stomach.

We took them out to the lounge room and put them on their play mat. They learnt to crawl a few weeks ago so we have to stay with them all the time because they like to go on little adventures around the house. They haven't learnt to walk yet but they have mastered standing because they are always standing up in their cots and things. They walk if you hold their hands but they can't do it alone yet.

Luke and I sat on the ground against the couch and watched them. Luke's arm was draped over my shoulders and I played with his fingers on his other hand.

"I love you" Luke whispered in my ear as he began to press soft kisses to the skin behind it.

"I love you too" I told him.

"Do you think we will have anymore kids?" He questioned as he pulled away. I smiled as I looked at him.

"Yeah, I think so"


"In a few years I guess. When the girls are three or four. What do you think?"

"Yeah. I like that plan" He smiled. I pressed my lips to his quickly before I felt litte hands on my legs. I looked down to see Ellie crawling on to my leg. I picked her up and crossed my legs as I stood her up in front of me.

"Hey cheeky girl" I smiled at her. I held her hands in mine as I smiled at her. "Do you reckon they will walk soon?" I asked and Luke nodded. I stood up and continued to hold her hands in mine. I guided her forwards and she surprisingly began to move her little feet. Ellie hadn't really done this before. We would have to move her legs for her. "Luke! Oh my god look!" I called out. Luke looked away from Macy to look at Ellie.

"Oh my god!" He yelled out. He moved around so he was in front of her and put his arms out. I let go of her hands and she took her first independent steps towards her dad. I covered my mouth with my hands as she walked slowly over to him.

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