I Spy

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"Olivia! Have you seen my shirt?" I heard Luke call from the bedroom. I sighed before walking out of the kitchen to our bedroom. When I walked in he looked over at me and laughed.

"Which shirt are you looking for?" I asked him.

"that one" He said as he pointed to me. I laughed as I looked down at my body. Sure enough I was wearing Luke's nirvana shirt and my underwear. Last night after we got home we just went straight to bed and because we are both as lazy as each other we just slept in our underwear. So when I got up I just put on his shirt. "It looks good on you, so you can keep it on" Luke grinned at me before we walked out to the kitchen.

"I made you a tea" I said as I placed it in front of him. He smiled before pressing his lips to my temple quickly. We walked out to the lounge room and sat on the couch. We pretty much watched movies all day and talked until that afternoon when we started to pack our bags for our little holiday.

"Do you need me to put anything on to be washed?" I asked him as I picked up a few articles of clothing to wash. Luke also picked up some things to wash before we walked to into the small laundry. Luke placed his things on the bench before pressing his lips to my temple and walking out. I rolled my eyes at him and put our clothes on to be washed before I walked back to mine and Luke's shared bedroom.

When I walked in Luke was laying on the unmade bed with messy hair and only a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips. He looked up from his phone and smiled. I smiled at him before walking over to the bed and sitting down on Luke's side, the left side of the bed. I leant down and brushed my nose over Luke's.

"Hi" I said with a smile.

"Or hey?" Luke said and I laughed before kissing his cheek. I got off of the bed before finding things to pack. I turned around and Luke had his phone pointed at me. "Smile" Luke said.

"Luke! I am only in my underwear and your shirt!" I said as I tugged the shirt down to cover not just my underwear but my scars too.

"Don't worry baby, I have zoomed in so you can only see the top of your amazing body" Luke said with a smirk and my eyebrows pulled together. How on earth could he think that this body is amazing?

"No Luke, I will only have a photo if you are in it too" I said and I sat on the edge of the bed. Luke dropped his phone on the bed before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into the curve of his body, so that my back was pressed firmly against Luke's chest. I laid my head on his arm that held the phone and smiled as he took a photo. We looked at the photo and I smiled. Luke's head was resting in the crook of my neck while his arm was under my head.

I turned onto my back and looked at Luke.

"We have to start packing if we want to leave early tomorrow" I said and he nodded before kissing me. The kiss deepened as I placed my hands on his neck . Our lips moved in perfect sync as the butterflies raced each other around my stomach. Luke's left hand was placed on my bare hip where Luke's shirt had lifted while his right was brushing lightly through my mess of brown hair. His lips left mine and I opened my eyes to see him smiling slightly at me.

"Do we have to pack right now?" Luke asked and I smiled. "Can't we just cuddle?" He grinned and that's what we did. We cuddled, kissed and talked for about two hours. Honestly, when I am with Luke I never get bored. We could talk forever and it would never be long enough.

"We should really start packing" I said.

"Fine, lets do everything you wanna do!" Luke said, quoting Ace Ventura, one of Jim Carrey's best movies. I laughed loudly before going to the laundry and putting our clothes in the dryer. I went back into the bedroom and started to put clothes in my suitcase, Luke was also doing that. After about half an hour were all packed, we just had to wait for our clothes to dry.

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