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July 2026

"Liv" I heard Luke's voice as I woke up slowly. "Baby, wake up" He said as he shook my shoulder.

"What?" I questioned as I buried my head in the pillow.

"I want to cuddle" He said and I lifted my head slightly to see him laying on his side with a small pout on his lips. I laughed slightly before shuffling over and laying in his arms. I placed one of my hands on his side as both of his arms wrapped around me. I placed my right hand on his cheek and smiled at him.

"I love you" I told him quietly before running my fingers through his hair.

"I love you too and I cannot wait for us to have another baby" He told me before kissing me quickly. That's right. Luke and I are having our fourth and final child. We decided that we wanted the kids to be four years apart so since James is turning four in august and the girls are turning eight in November, now would be the time. We are both really excited and this time, Luke will be with me the whole time because, sadly, 5SOS has come to an end. They haven't broken up or anything but they decided that they would let it all rest for a little while so that they could do the normal things normal 30 year olds do. Yes, 30. Yes I turned 30 in may and Luke turns 30 tomorrow and I cannot believe how old we are.

"I know, I am so excited" I told him. "I think we should tell them today" I said and he nodded.

"The sooner the better" he said and I nodded. We laid in each others arms talking for a while before we heard the sound of little footsteps. I sat up and saw Macy and James peaking inside.

"Good morning" I smiled at the pair and they grinned at each other before running into our room and jumping on the bed. They both threw their arms around me and I fell back against the bed. They giggled loudly before crawling over to Luke. "Where's Ellie?" I asked them as they laid down with Luke.

"She's in bed" James said with an adorable lisp.

"Did you want to get her up because Mummy and I have some special news for you" Luke said and they smiled happily before running off to get Ellie. Luke sat up and we both leant back against the head board and waited for our three kids. James came running into the room with his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle PJ's on and jumped on top of Luke. Luke ruffled James' thick blonde hair and James laughed at him. Ellie and Macy walked in and Ellie came over to give me a hug as Macy crawled into the middle of the bed.

"So, we have some special news for you" I said with a big smile as Ellie moved to sit with Macy. "I am having another baby, so you will get another brother or sister" I said and the three kids screamed before jumping on top of me. I laughed as I hugged the three of them. Once they got off they sat happily on the bed with us.

"I hope it's a girl so that Mace and I can dress her up" Ellie said as she looked at Macy.

"Yeah, because James doesn't like wearing a dress" Macy said as she put on a funny voice and scowled at James. James stuck his tongue out at the girls.

"Stop it," I told the three of them sternly. "I am not in the mood for you three to fight all day" I said.

"So, are you excited?" Luke asked with a big smile.

"Yes!" James said happily. We talked with them for a while and Macy moved onto my lap. I didn't really pay attention but she began to fiddle with my hand and soon, her little fingers were running over my wrist.

"Mummy, what are these?" Macy asked as she looked up at me with big, innocent blue eyes and pointed at my artworks on my wrist made with a razor blade.

"Um," I started but I was at loss for words. How do you tell an eight year old about these kinds of things. I looked up at Luke with big eyes before my eyes landed on Ellie and James. "Well..." I trailed off.

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