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"Olivia?" Luke asked from inside the bedroom. "Are you nearly ready?"

"Yep, one sec" I called out as I put on my necklace. I took a deep breath and stepped back to look at my reflection. I was wearing a strapless white dress that went down to my mid-thigh. The top part of it had a pattern on it and it didn't show off my bust to much which was good, while the bottom flowed out. It was simple yet beautiful. I had also put on a pair of black ballet flats and left my hair out to flow down my back.

I walked out to see Luke sitting on the bed looking at his phone. I cleared my throat slightly and he looked up. His eyes went wide as he slowly stood up and approached me.

"Wow" he whispered as he tucked my hair behind my ear. "You look... amazing" he said quietly. I looked at what he was wearing. It was pretty similar to what he wore to the Brit awards. Black skinny jeans, a black dress shirt and a pair of black converse.

"So do you" I told him as I looked up at him. He smiled at me before placing his hands on the back of my neck and kissing me softly. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"I love you" He whispered with a big smile.

"I love you too" I told him, my smile mirroring his.

"Lets get going then" He said and I nodded. I picked up my handbag and we walked out of the room. "Um, Mum wants to see us before we leave" Luke said with a roll of his blue eyes. I giggled slightly as we walked to Liz's room. Luke knocked on the door and a few seconds later it opened.

"Oh wow!" Liz exclaimed. "You both look beautiful!" She said and told us to come in. When we walked in we noticed that the other mums were in here as well.

"You guys actually hang out together?" Luke asked and we all laughed.

"No. We are old woman that just sit in our rooms all day and do nothing" Liz said scarstically. "Of course we spend time together Luke"

"Sorry, it's just- never mind" he said and I laughed slightly as I squeezed his hand.

"Anyways, I just wanted to get a picture of you both"

"Mum!" Luke exclaimed. I dropped his hand and placed it on his waist.

"Luke" I said quietly. He looked down at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "Stop complaining and we can leave earlier" I said and he nodded.

"Fine. You can have your photos" He told her and she smiled.

"Good. Because after dinner, I wouldn't be able to get photos of you both" She said as she pulled out her camera.

"What? Why not?" Luke asked her as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Well, after hearing what you said to Liv on the phone when we were going to the airport, I figured that you would have other plans" She said and Joy laughed with her. Luke's face went pale as I blushed.

"You heard that?" He questioned.

"It doesn't matter Luke. I know you two are old enough to make your own decisions" She told him. "Now smile" She told us both. We smiled for a few photos before we left.

"She is so embarrassing" He mumbled as we stood in the lift, he was leaning against the wall as he held me between his legs.

"She is funny" I said and he scoffed.

"Trying having a mum like that, then you will know how it feels" he said and I stopped talking. I looked at my feet and thought of my own mother. How one minute she would be all loving and then the next she would be all angry. "Liv... I'm sorry" He whispered as he turned me around, finally noticing what he said.

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