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Phil : Cupcake.

Dan : What?

Phil : You remember that coffee shop guy?

Dan : Yeah.

Phil : So, I was in the convenience store the other day.

Dan : Yeah.

Phil : So I kinda ran into him.

Dan : Yeah?

Phil : So I showed him a pic of you and...

Dan : Omg you didn't...

Phil : Omg I did.

Phil : I asked him, "Hey, look at this guy. Isn't he hot as fuck?"

Dan : .

Phil : Lol, do you wanna know what he said?

Dan : .

Phil : He was like ewww he ugly

Dan : .

Phil : lol lol lol

Dan : .

Phil : He thinks you're ugly lol

Dan : .

Phil : What's up with the stupid dot?

Dan : .

Phil : What?

Dan : .

Phil : Peanut, stop.

Dan : .

Dan : .

Dan : .

Phil : Why a dot, Cupcake?

Dan : .

Phil : Babe, are you mad?

Dan : .

Phil : Babe plz

Dan : .

Phil : Sugar I'm sorry

Dan : .

Phil : I'm sorry, okay. I was lying.

Dan : .

Phil : Cupcake plz I was lying

Dan : Yeah I know. Because I'm pretty sure he called me sexy the last time I saw him ;)

Phil : Oh, thank god.

Phil : Wait, what!?

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