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Phil : Love.

Dan : Ya

Phil : I'm bored. Lets get back together ^_^

Dan : Sure.

Phil : I just can't breathe without you, baby.

Dan: Loosen your pants, babe.

Phil : Oh, thanks I knew something felt weird.

Phil : Anyway I love you with all my heart and soul, cupcake.

Dan : Don't you mean dick?

Phil : No, I meant heart <3

Phil : I'm serious. I would probably die without you.

Dan : Then you should hurry up and learn to cook.

Phil : God, Dan. Why do u have to ruin everything? I'm trying to be romantic!

Dan : Oh, sorry I just couldn't take all the overdramatic-ness.

Phil : I was trying to reassure you after our breakup, you asshole!

Dan : Really? The break up only lasted for 9 minutes and 29 seconds though -____-

Phil : But it was still a break up!

Dan : Okay, whatever. I've to go back to work. It's fun to joke around like this, Bye!

Phil : Fuck, it wasn't a joke! I genuinely broke up with you! Why isn't anyone believing me? I should just dump your stupid ass, you jerk! You don't even care about me! You don't even care that I broke up with you! I'm crying my eyes out here, I hate you, you piece of dog poop!

Dan : Chocolate, you're bothering me right now. I have to work, babe.

Phil: Oh! Sorry cupcake I just got carried away. I wanted to make it as real as possible.

Phil: Anyway it was fun for me too, bye baby <3

Phil: Come home soon though, I miss you cupcake :(

Dan: I miss you too <3 I'll try to come home early, okay?

Phil: Okay :))))

Dan: And by the way, you better clean the room before I come back or else I'll dump your ass for real.

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