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Chris : Hey, Dan how's it going buddy?

Dan : Nothing much.

Chris : How's work?

Dan : Good.

Chris : How's Phil?

Dan : Good.

Chris : What about YouTube?

Dan : Good.

Chris : Any new video ideas?

Dan : No.

Chris : Are the fans bothering you or something?

Dan : No.

Chris : Are you sick?

Dan : No.

Chris : Then why're you always so gloomy and boring?

Dan : I can't understand what you're trying to say, sorry.

Chris : I mean all your replies look like they're programmed lol You're like a machine or something, man.


Chris : Oh shit, sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. I can already hear Phil screeching in the distance. I'm really sorry. Don't tell Phil.

Chris : Also you're not always gloomy and boring, Dan. Don't worry.

Dan : I am.

Chris : Nah, not always ;)

Dan : ??

Chris : How's your relationship with Phil going?

Dan : It's going great. Really really great. I just feel like I can spend the rest of my life with him, you know? I'm aware that I'm a really complicated person and I'm not good at expressing my emotions very well and I'm just overall an incomplete person but I feel like he completes me, you know?

Dan : Sometimes he can be really annoying though like he makes me do all his work and annoys me by texting me all day, asking stupid questions like 'Where's my sock? I can't find my favourite sock!' when in fact he would be wearing them and I have to actually tell him he's wearing them. Sometimes he's so stupid like the other day he got attacked by a squirrel like WTF who gets attacked by a damn squirrel?

Dan : It's so funny lol

Dan : Sometimes he insists on making me dinner even though he can't cook to save his life and then he ends up with cuts and burns all over his hands and burnt food and I end up crying because I just feel so hurt because he's hurt but my heart feels so so so warm and I'm not sure what I should be doing so I cry. Small things like this make me really love him, you know? I'm just so fucking in love with him.

Dan : So yeah, our relationship is going great😃😃😃😃

Chris : :O

Chris : Wow.

Chris : See?

Chris : You're not always gloomy and boring.

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