🎁30.5 [SPECIAL]🎁

177 19 15

It was almost midnight and Dan was currently hiding in the bathroom, his body shaking with nerves. Phil's birthday party had just ended and everyone had gone home, leaving Dan and Phil alone so they could spend the last hours of his birthday together.

Dan hadn't given Phil his present yet. After talking to his mom, dad, Chris, Pj and even unknown, Dan had finally decided to make him a scrapbook but now he was re-thinking his decision. He was an idiot. Phil would hate it. Dan was absolutely sure of it.

"Baby, are you in there?" Asked Phil.

"Uh, yeah."

"Are you okay, babe?" Phil's voice was dripping with concern and Dan immediately felt bad.

"I'm f-fine." He managed to reply.

"No, you're not, Danny. Come out." Phil said sternly.

Dan bit his lip. "Yeah. Um, just a minute." He quickly composed himself, running a hand through his hair and straightening out his t-shirt before picking up Phil's present from the floor.


"Just a moment, Phil." Dan said, before taking a deep, deep breath and unlocking the door.

"What are you doing, baby? It's my birthday, I want to kiss you." Phil said, pouting, as soon as he saw Dan.

Dan smiled nervously. "Y-yeah. Uh, this- " He shoved the gift into Phil's hands, rather rudely and Phil's eyes immediately lit up like a firework, a shit eating grin forming on his face.

"Is this for me?" Phil asked eagerly and Dan nodded shyly.

"Y-yeah b-but it's p-probably lame, I'm s-sorry." Dan said, hanging his head.

Phil just waved a hand in dismissal before moving on to unwrap his present like a child on christmas. Dan watched anxiously as Phil took the scrapbook into his hands, his grin widening, if that was even possible.

The cover had a clumsy drawing of Phil kissing Dan's cheek, with little red hearts all around them. Dan cringed. What the fuck was he thinking when he drew that? He was no artist! But even a five-year-old could do a better job than this.

"It's so cliché and cheesy, I'm sorry. Y-you don't have to pretend to like it, it's okay." Dan whispered, a lump forming in his throat as stared at the floor. It was a very interesting floor, mind you.

When he didn't hear a reply though, he slowly looked up, biting his lip. "P-Phil?"

Dan's eyes widened when he saw Phil and suddenly Phil sniffled, tears streaming down his face as he ran his fingers over the drawing.

"W-Wha-why are y-you crying? Oh my god." Dan asked as he rused to Phil's side, cupping his cheeks.

Phil sniffed. "I-I'm not."

"You are."

He pouted. "I'm just really happy, okay!"

Dan smiled fondly before using the sleeves of his t-shirt to wipe Phil's cheeks and clean his snot, not even a hint of disgust on his face, only love. "Idiot."

"Shut up!"

"I love you." Dan said, the butterflies in his stomach making his heart warm. He suddenly felt like an idiot for thinking Phil wouldn't like his present.

Phil's eyes softened and he grinned, before tackling Dan into a hug. "I know and I love you too! My Dan!"

"ooomhf-phil!" Dan cried out in pain as his head hit the hard floor. "That hurt!"

"Oops." Phil grinned, placing a chaste, sloppy kiss onto Dan's soft lips and then moving on to place kisses all over his face and neck.

Dan sighed, rolling his eyes and muttering something that very suspiciously sounded like "Idiot" before pulling Phil back up to kiss his lips.

Thus, the idiotic couple spend the last hours of Phil's birthday making out with each other like they always do, every single day.

The end.

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