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Dan: Darling.

Phil: .....

Dan: Sweet Heart?

Phil: ....

Dan: Baby????

Phil: ....

Dan: Honey? Isn't that how married couples call each other?

Phil: ....

Dan: Dear?

Phil: Calling me sweet nicknames is not going to make me less mad.

Dan: Oh.

Dan: Why are you even mad? It was just a joke. I thought you knew and you were just playing along like everyone else. It was so obvious. Why would I break up with you over something so small, Phil?

Phil: Because you're not the only one with insecurities, alright!? How was I supposed to know it was a joke? You DO get mad at every little thing! But have I ever said something like "Why are you mad? There's nothing to be mad about blah blah blah"

Dan: Okay, I'm sorry.

Phil: Okay? OKAY!?

Phil: I can't stand that attitude! Ugh!

Dan: I'm sorry.

Phil: Fuck you!

Dan: I'm sorry :(

Phil: You think you're so high and mighty!

Dan: I don't, I'm sorry, Phil. Please stop :(

Phil: You think you're superior to everyone, don't you? You egotistic twat!

Dan: What the hell :(

Phil: Don't you try to make me feel guilty by sending that sad face!

Dan: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry. Why are you acting like this? 😢😢

Phil: Because I'm tired of your shit!

Dan: I'm sorry, Phil, please :(

Phil: I don't want your sorry!

Dan: I'm sorry...

Dan: I don't know what else to say. I've never seen you like this. I'm sorry.

Phil: I can hear someone crying inside the bathroom. Is that you? When did you come home?

Dan: Just now. I'm sorry.

Phil: For what?

Dan: For pranking you, for crying and for being annoying in general. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry.

Phil: Oh baby....

Dan: I'm sorry.

Phil: I was pranking you back..................

Dan: ....

Phil: Now you know how it feels, baby ;)

Dan: ....

Dan: Really?

Phil: What?

Dan: You were really pranking me?

Dan: It was a prank?

Phil: Yeah, like you said, wasn't it obvious? :D

Dan: No.

Phil: Sorry, baby. I love you.

Dan: You called me a twat.

Phil: I'm sorry. But you started it.

Dan: I know but still you took it too far :(

Dan: I don't even have the energy to get mad at you, I'm so hurt.

Phil: Yeah, I can hear that. I'm sitting outside the bathroom.

Dan: .....

Dan: Go away.

Phil: Aw, I'm sorry but it's cute :)<3

Dan: I hate you sometimes.

Phil: And I love you all the time.

Dan: You called me a twat.

Phil: I'm sorry, baby :)<3

Dan: You called me a twat.

Phil: :)<3

Dan: What the hell even is that?

Phil: It's a kiss :)<3

Dan: </3

Phil: Broken heart? Really?

Dan: :'(

Phil: Baby, I'm sorry.

Dan: I'm not mad at you.

Dan: I love you.

Phil: I love you too and I don't understand why we're still texting. Just open the door.

Dan: Okay.

Phil: What? Really? You usually don't open it for like two hours.

Dan: I'm sorry.

Phil: For what? :O

Dan: I just am.

Phil: .....

Phil: Oh, wait. Is it because I said you get mad at every little thing that you're not acting mad anymore?

Dan: .....

Phil: Oh come on cupcake it was all part of the prank.

Dan: I know.

Phil: Then what?

Phil: Just be yourself, baby. I actually love it when you sulk. It's cute 😘

Dan: ....

Dan: Really?

Phil: Yeah, Dan REALLY.

Dan: Okay :)

Phil: I want more than a smile. I want a kiss.

Dan: :)<3

Phil: :)<3

Phil: Now give me a real kiss, cmon baby.

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