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Phil : Baby :)

Dan : Yeah :)

Phil : We're engaged :)

Dan : Yeah :)

Phil : I love you :)

Dan : I love you too :)

Phil : :)

Dan : :)

Phil : :)

Dan : :)

Phil : Why are we constantly sending smileys again? :)

Dan : I don't know :)

Phil : It's starting to look creepy :)

Dan : I know, right? :)

Phil : But I don't care :)

Dan : Neither do I :)

Phil : I'm just so happy :)

Dan : And my ass is sore :)

Phil : I'm sorry. I love you :)

Dan : It's okay. I had a good time :)

Phil : I know :)

Dan : Did you have breakfast yet? I'm sorry I had to leave before you woke up :)

Phil : It's okay. Don't worry about it, cupcake :)

Dan : Okay :)

Dan : What are you doing? :)

Phil : Like right now? :)

Dan : Yeah :)

Phil : I'm taking a shit :)

Dan : .....

Phil : What? It's a natural thing. You do it. I do it. Nicki Minaj does it. Even Donald Trump does it.

Dan : .....

Dan : Wow, Phil. Way to ruin the moment, you dumb fuck.


Dan : Nothing, just continue doing what you're doing.

Phil : Yeah, it's not like I can stop it now.


Phil : Lmao it's no big deal, baby.

Phil : Like I said, everyone poops.

Dan : Ugh!

Phil : Grab some lube and condoms on the way back by the way.

Dan : Okay.

Phil : Oh, toothpaste too.

Dan : Okay. Now I'm going back to work. Make sure to eat your breakfast and also the emails are piling up. You better sort them out.

Phil : Okay, baby.

Dan : Also I cleaned the living room and make sure to keep it that way, alright? Your mum's coming over.

Phil : What? Really?

Dan : Phil!

Phil : What?

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