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Phil : Yo.

PJ : Yo.

Phil : What's up?

PJ : Just looking at Crazy_Phan69's new posts.

Phil : LOL What does it say?

PJ : There's a pic of you in a sex store and it says 'Phil buys a brand new dildo for Dan'

Phil : Oh shit😱

PJ : You should seriously report whoever this Crazy_Phan69 is.

PJ : I don't even understand where they even get the news from.

PJ : I mean it's pretty accurate too.

PJ : But they should at least respect your privacy!

PJ : You can't just let them post whatever they like!

PJ : It's unfair to you and Dan!

PJ : Besides Dan hates things like this!

PJ : Sue them!

Phil : ......

Phil : Um, it's actually me.

PJ : (ಠ_ಠ)🔫

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