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A/n: Have you ever heard of the song "Flesh" by Simon Curtis? If not then your life is incomplete. I can't believe I only found it now. Listen to it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Dan : Philly

Phil : Hey, babe :)

Phil : ?

Phil : ??

Phil : Cupcake?

Phil : Baby, why aren't you replying?

Dan : I love you.

Phil : I love you too but what's wrong? Are you sick? Are you hurt? Are you hungry? Do you want me to come?

Dan : No, it's okay. I love you.

Phil : I love you too but what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything.

Dan : I'm fine. I just wanted to say that I love you. I feel like I don't mention it enough.

Phil : I love you too, baby but you don't need to say anything. I know you love me, Dan but you sound upset right now. Did someone say something to you?

Dan : No.

Phil : Baby, tell me. I'm worried about you :(

Phil : Wait, let me call you, Dan. We can talk and then you'll feel better.

Phil : Answer your phone, Daniel!

Dan : I'm okay, Phil. Just a little sad.

Phil : But why are you sad, cupcake? Did you read the hate comments again? Dan, I told you not to read those! They're just jealous, baby!

Dan : I didn't.

Phil : Then why are you sad, Dan? When you're sad, I'm sad too :(

Dan : I love you<3

Phil : I love you too but now I'm starting to get really worried because you don't normally say stuff like this, baby :(

Dan : Philly

Phil : Yeah, baby? :(

Dan : I love you.

Phil : I love you too but please tell me what's wrong :'(

Dan : Phil.

Phil : Yeah, baby?

Dan : I love you.

Phil : I know and I love you too.

Phil : Baby, I'm begging you, please tell me why you're acting like this. Are you hurt or something?

Dan : I'm okay.

Phil : You're not, Dan.

Dan : I just hate myself sometimes.

Phil : Baby, you've no reason to hate yourself. You're so wonderful.

Phil : I love you so much.

Dan : I love you too but I'm not wonderful.

Phil : Dan, now I'm pretty sure someone said something to you. You are my boyfriend, Dan and I love you more than anything in the world, baby. You're flawless in my eyes. You're perfect just the way you are.

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