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Harry : Hi.

Phil : Yo, wassup.

Harry : I don't like people talking to me like that.

Harry : Especially you.

Harry : Don't misunderstand me. I like you but can you please show some respect?

Phil : Sorry, I was just trying to be funny.

Harry : It didn't look funny to me tho. Just arrogant.

Phil : Oh, look who's talking.

Harry : Watch your mouth.

Louis : Shut up, Harry!

Harry : You shut up! Someone has to teach him some manners.

Dan : Fuck off.

Troye : Who added me to this conversation?

Harry : Do you know who I am, Dan?

Harry : I'm Harry Styles. You don't tell me to shut up.

Louis : I added you, Troye :)

Dan: Whatever, Harry Shithead. No one cares, shut the fuck up.

Phil: You tell him, baby!

Troye : Cool. Imma just grab some popcorn and get cozy. Carry on, guys.

Louis : Harry, didn't you say you were a fan? What happened to that now?

Harry : Well, I liked them! But now that I've talked to them, they're so annoying! They're not how they look on camera! Dan's not cheerful and amazing, he's more like a robot that never talks but when it does, it's to say something very asshole-ish.

Harry : Phil's not bright and sweet! More like stupid and stupid! It's almost like the word 'stupid' was made especially for him!

Phil : Good to know we exceeded your expectations. How nice.

Dan : Shut up, Okay?! Just shut up. You don't know anything about us. How dare you call Phil stupid?

Dan : Phil, are you listening to this? Why are you so calm today? Usually you're the one to get all worked up!

Phil : Because he's just an obnoxious twat. He's not worth it, baby.

Troye : Savage af.


Liam : What am I even doing here?

Harry Styles removed Dan Howell from the conversation.

Phil : NO!

Phil Lester removed Harry styles from the conversation.

Phil Lester added Dan Howell to the conversation.

Phil : Welcome, cupcake :)

Dan : Thanks, Phil :)

Phil : Baby, don't let him get to you. He's just naturally an asshole. He probably doesn't even know he's being rude.

Dan : I know but even if he doesn't mean it, he's still so awful to you. I can't help it, I'm sorry.

Phil : It's okay, baby.

Dan : I love you.

Phil : I Love you too :)

Liam : ....

Niall : You guys are giving me cavities.

Louis : Haha cute, aren't they?

Niall : Yup. Adorable actually.

Liam : ....

Liam : So, um who are they? They have a very strange friendship.

Louis : ....

Niall : .....

Phil : .....

Dan : ....

Louis : They are Dan and Phil.

Liam : Oh, are they actors or something? Their acting is really good. I almost thought they were a couple.

Louis : ....

Niall : They ARE a couple -_-

Liam : .....

Phil : Honestly you live with two gay guys yet you didn't get it?

Liam : What? I live with gay guys?

Louis : Me and Harry are engaged, remember? We're getting married next month.


Phil : ...

Dan : Oh god, help him.

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