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Phil : Baby.

Dan : Yeah?

Phil : I'm leaving for the party, okay?

Phil : Are you sure you don't want to come?

Dan : Yeah. It always makes me so anxious and nervous. I really can't handle that today, Phil. I'm so tired.

Phil : Are you okay, babe?

Dan : I'm fine.

Phil : I'm not going.

Dan : What? Why?

Phil : I'm worried about you.

Dan : I told you I'm fine, Phil!

Phil : But cupcake I don't want to leave you all alone.

Phil : You'll be lonely.

Dan : Phil, it's just a few hours. I'll be fine.

Phil : Are you sure?

Dan : Yes. I am. Now go, okay?

Phil : But you're upset.

Dan : I promise, I'm fine, phil. Please just go.

Dan : I love you.

Phil : I love you too.

Phil : I tried to make dinner for you but I just burned everything. I'm sorry.

Dan : Phil, I told you not to do that!

Phil : But I wanted to do something for you.

Dan : You already do a lot for me, Phil.

Phil : Really?

Dan : Yeah :)

Dan : I love you.

Phil : I love you too.

Phil : But are you really sure?

Phil : Are you really really really sure?

Dan : You know I hate that song.

Dan : But yeah, I'm really really really sure, Phil.

Phil : Okay.

Phil : I'll be off then.

Phil : Text me if you need me, okay?

Phil : Or just call me.

Phil : I'm leaving all the lights on so you aren't scared in the dark, okay?

Dan : What? Phil! It's like 4 PM.

Phil : But I don't want to take any risks.

Phil : If you're too scared to enter, call the lady next door.

Phil : I heard someone talking about burglars yesterday. So if you see anything different, go to the lady next door and then call me ASAP.

Phil : But first go to her, I won't be able to get there in time. I don't want you to get hurt, okay?

Dan : I'm not five, Phil.

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