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A/n: This is longer than usual :D Enjoy!

Troye : Hellooooooooooooooooo

Dan : Hi.

Troye : You guys are so funny. I had a really good time today.

Dan : Thanks?

Troye : So you're back to being a robot?

Troye : Hi, Phil!

Dan Howell added Phil Lester to the conversation.

Phil : Sup bitch

Troye : I knew it!

Phil : Don't call him a robot. This is my last warning. Next time you'll wake up in a hospital bed to find your little pee pee gone.

Troye : oooooh is that a threat?

Phil : Yes.

Troye : OMG I'M SO SCARED! *girlish scream*

Dan : How can a scream be girlish? What exactly do you mean by "girlish"?

Troye : Is that the famous feminist Dan I see?

Troye : Don't attack me, I'm sorrieee.

Dan : No, I'm just curious.

Troye : Okay, thank god.

Phil : Stuff like that bothers Dan.

Troye : Oh, I didn't know that :O

Phil : Yeah, well, now you do.

Troye : I guess.

Troye : But I'm still surprised by how different you both are, like you're complete opposites of each other.

Troye : I'm curious. How did you two meet and fall in love?

Phil : Well........

Dan : Phil, don't. It's embarrassing.

Troye : Aw, now I really want to know.

Phil : Baby, it's not like it's a big secret or something. Let's tell him. Poor guy. We're his only source of happiness.

Troye : Ouch, that was cruel, man.

Phil : You deserve it for DELIBERATELY spilling coffee on me today.


Phil : Lies.

Troye : ;)

Phil : ......

Phil : Cupcake?

Dan : Yeah.

Phil : Let's tell him. He's our friend now, even if he's an idiot with no brain.

Troye : HEY!

Dan : Fine. Tell him.

Phil : Okay, babe.

Phil : Once upon a time, on Halloween, when the curtain of night had fallen...

Phil : ...a six year old little boy silently sat under a haunted oak tree.

Phil : His knees were pressed to his chest and lonely, depressing tears slid down his cheeks to the cold, hard ground.

Troye : Bruh -_-


Phil : Telling him our story?

Dan : .......

Dan : stfu I'll tell him the damn story.

Phil : Okay T_T

Dan : When we met, I was six and Phil was eight. My family had just moved in next to Phil's house and I was so shy I didn't have any friends at all so on Halloween I was just sitting outside alone because I was too scared of the kids my mom introduced me to. So I was crying I guess. Phil saw me and came to me, patted my head and told me to stop crying but I was just so surprised at his kindness that I cried harder. Then he shoved all of his candies towards me and said "Here, you can have my candy, so please stop crying." And I was mesmerized. From then on, I kept following him around all the time.

Phil : Yeah, no kidding. Once he accidentally bumped into me and I fell and hurt my knee and he didn't stop crying for hours. That night his mom had to sleep on the couch in our living room because Dan wouldn't stop crying and clinging to me because he thought I was dying FROM A LITTLE SCRATCH ON THE KNEE.

Dan : I was six!

Troye : Aw that is adorable, Dan.

Dan : I WAS SIX!

Phil : But then he moved away after a year because his dad got another job transfer.

Troye : OH MY GOD WHAT????

Phil : Yeah. But sometimes his mom would call asking me to talk to Dan because he wouldn't eat, and kept crying and begging her to take him to me.

Dan : And I would eat only if he told me to. I remember feeling so hurt and lost.

Phil : But the calls stopped too after almost a year.

Phil : I thought he made new friends.

Dan : Of course not. I just shut down again. Went back to being the quiet, shy kid. Never really talked to anyone other than my family.

Troye : That's so sad :(

Phil : But we met again after a few years, when I was 17. This time my dad got a transfer. Again, he was crying silently to himself in the school's washroom when I saw him. I didn't know who it was at first but I just patted his head and told him to stop crying.


Dan : I recognized him immediately. It was magical. I was so happy I thought I would die.

Troye : Did you start dating right away?

Phil : Nah.

Dan : We became best friends all over again but then Phil made a bunch of new friends. You know, Chris, Pj and other people. Throw in a lot of jealousy, heartbreak and Phil's ex girlfriend, then you have the whole picture.

Phil : We finally started dating when I was 18 and Dan was 16.

Troye : Awwwww finallyyyy yes! THIS IS LIKE A CHEESY MOVIEE!! MY HEART AHHH

Phil : We had sex when he turned 18. IT WAS AMAZING!

Troye : Whoa, dude, Too much info.

Phil : Sorry, I waited for so long, I was so miserable. I just had to mention it.

Phil: Baby, I love you <3

Dan : Love you too <3

Troye : Aww

Phil : Bye Troye. I'm so emotional. I need a moment. ttyl

Troye : Okay, bye :)

Phil : We can have sex whenever we want now, cupcake. I'm so happy, let's do it right now.

Phil : But poor Troye. He must be feeling so single and lonely.


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