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Phil : Hey, mum

Phil : I have decided to marry Dan. I'm going to propose to him this week.

Mom : What? You weren't married already?

Phil: ....

Phil : This isn't funny, mum.

Mom : Okay, sorry.

Mom : So have you planned everything?

Phil : Yeah, a bit. 

Phil : You don't sound surprised at all... or happy....

Mom : Of course, I'm happy, Phil. I just don't know how to express that in text.

Mom : The reason I'm not surprised is because I've been waiting for this to happen for more than four years.

Phil : ......

Mom : So what do you have planned?

Phil : Oh, about that... so his birthday is coming up, right?

Mom : Yeah?

Phil : So I'll act like I forgot his birthday and I'll tell him I'm going out with my friends, but in truth I'll have a whole restaurant rented out for the day and all of our friends and family will be there. Then we'll all wish him a happy birthday and the ring will be hidden inside the cake.

Mom : Cheesy and too generic.

Phil : ....

Phil : Shut up! I thought really hard about it and this is all I could come up with. Besides I'm pretty sure Dan'll be equally happy even if I just handed him the ring without really doing all this. He doesn't really care about "making it special" or whatever and neither do I. We only need each other. That's more than enough.

Mom : ....

Mom : I was just joking, Phil. I'm sorry. You're always messing around so I didn't know you were this serious, I apologize. And I know you two don't really care about this. To be honest, you don't even have to get married, you already have that special bond that don't even actual married couples have.

Phil : Thanks, mom.

Phil : But is it really that cheesy? Will he hate it?

Mom : Like you said, Dan'll be happy no matter how you do it. Don't worry about it. Best of luck :)

Mom : But ignoring him on his birthday? Are you sure about that?

Mom : He'll be very upset, you know.

Phil : Yeah, that's the point, it'll be more emotional that way.

Phil : Besides he's so cute when he sulks.

Mom : .....

Mom : You're evil.

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