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Mom : So did he cry?

Dan : Who?

Mom : Phil, of course.

Mom : You gave him that present you made for him, right?

Dan : Yeah.

Mom : He cried, didn't he?

Dan : Well....

Mom : I knew it!

Dan : -_-

Mom : You two are so cute☺

Dan : Thanks??

Mom : Oh, I just remembered something.

Dan : What?

Mom : Someone called.

Dan : And?

Mom : He wanted to talk to you.

Dan : What? Who? Why would someone call you if they wanted to talk to me?

Mom : He said he didn't have your number and somehow he got mine I don't know.

Dan : Oh.

Dan : Did he say who he was?

Mom : Yeah, some Louis, Lewis or something.

Dan : Louise?

Mom : No, I know Louise. It was someone else. It was a guy.

Dan : What did he say?

Mom : Uhm

Dan : What?

Mom : He said something about Phil giving birth to Harry Styles.

Dan : ....

Dan : ....

Dan : We're fucked.

A/n: If you don't get it then there's an animated video (The Hand) of Harry Styles coming out of Phil's stomach. Weird, I know but it was hilarious😂 I know everyone in the phandom has probably watched it but if not then there you go. I explained it.

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