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Phil: Hello, Mrs. Browning.

WeirdLadyNextDoor : Hello.

Phil : Thank you for the cookies. They were delicious.

WeirdLadyNextDoor : Of course, they were. I made them.

Phil : Yes, your cooking skills are really something.

WeirdLadyNextDoor : I know.

WeirdLadyNextDoor : So I'm guessing you want me to check on Dan again?

Phil : ....

Phil : How did you know?

WeirdLadyNextDoor : Why else would you text me?

Phil : ....

Phil : I just want to make sure he's okay. He looked very upset to me.

WeirdLadyNextDoor : So there's the answer.

WeirdLadyNextDoor : I just baked some cookies anyway, I'll give them to him too then.

Phil : Excellent!

Phil : Thank you so much for always doing this for me.

WeirdLadyNextDoor : Yeah, no problem.

WeirdLadyNextDoor : But Dan probably thinks I'm some creepy old lady who keeps bothering him or something.

Phil : ....

Phil : Of course, not! He loves your cookies! He doesn't think you're creepy at all!

WeirdLadyNextDoor : ......

WeirdLadyNextDoor : You don't have to lie. I can tell.

Phil : .....

Phil : I'm so sorry!

WeirdLadyNextDoor : You better be.

WeirdLadyNextDoor : I'm only doing this because I can see that you really care about him.

Phil : Thank you so much!

Contact name changed to GoodLadyNextDoor.

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