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Phil : Cupcake! That unknown guy is Homo sapien!

Dan : Really? What a surprise! I thought he was a llama all this time!

Phil : LOL Can you believe it? Who names their child Homo?

Phil : It's like they were predicting the future lmao.

Dan : .......

Dan : I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say so I'm just going to not say anything but now I ended up saying something anyway and I'll just shut up now.

Phil : Hmm??? What happened? You don't seem so enthusiastic.

Dan : That's because you're always doing stupid shit.

Phil : What? What did I do now?

Dan : You idiot. Homo Sapien means human being, it's a scientific name. Does binomial nomenclature ring any bells?

Phil: ......

Phil: ⊙▃⊙

Phil: OH

Dan: Ya

Dan: Do you get it now?

Phil: ...

Phil: I do.

Dan: Thank god.

Phil: But it's still a weird name tho! Why would they name him that?

Dan: .......


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