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Phil : Mummy :(

Mom : Yeah, honey :)

Phil : We broke up.

Mom : Who broke up?

Phil : Me and Dan.

Mom : Hahaha baby that's very funny. Now tell me what you want?

Phil : Mom, we really broke up :'(

Mom : Phil, I don't have time for jokes.

Phil : Mummy!

Mom : Yeah!

Phil : Me and Dan broke up.

Mom : You said that already.

Phil : Aren't you sad?

Mom : No, not really.

Phil : Why?

Mom : Because they can hear you having sex all the way from China.

Phil : ......

Mom : I'm serious, Phil. I'm very happy that your relationship is going well and Dan is like my own son but you fuck like bunnies.

Phil : .....

Phil : Mum I never thought you would use such vulgar language.

Mom : Well, I had to. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to embarrass you kids but can you please keep it down a little bit next time you come to visit?

Phil : .....

Phil : Sorry, we can't.

Mom : Stop joking, Phil! I'm serious! The old couple that live across the street from us call you two porn stars!

Phil : ⊙▃⊙

Phil : Oh my god.

Mom : Yeah, do you get it now?

Phil : .....

Phil : .....

Phil : Do you think we'll look good as porn stars?

Mom : (ಠ_ಠ)

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