Character Answers

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Q. Aww philly you're so cute you little ball of sunshine marry me please?

A. I know, right? I'm so cute. But sorry I can't marry you, I belong to Dan and Dan alone. Here, take this slice of pizza and go home, sweetie.

Q. Why are you so adorable <3 ? xD

A. I dunno I was born adorable😎 You can have some pizza too, child. You have earned it.

Q. When are you and dan getting married? And do you want kids?

A. We are getting married in October this year. Who doesn't want to have a fall wedding? Dan's mom wants us to wait though. She says it's a bit too soon. But we've known each other since we were like six and we've been dating for EIGHT years. I think we've waited long enough. Yes, we want kids.

Q. What's your favourite sex position? ;)

A. Missionary ;)

Q. Are you and Dan gonna have kids?

A. Yes, of course. We've talked about it a few times actually and both of us want a daughter.

Q. How are you so precious?? I love you so much! Be good to Danny boy alright?

A. Aw, that's sweet <3 I'm always good to Dan, don't worry :)

Q. Phil are you straight?


Q. If you guys decide to have kids is dan gonna have to fuck your sister or something or you gotta fuck dans sister (idk who has a sister ... do they even have sisters?) OR WILL YOU ADOPT?

A. Um... you have some er issues. No one's fucking anyone's sister. The only people fucking are Dan and Phil. WE WILL ADOPT.


Q. Dan, why are you so insecure? Even after eight years of dating you still think Phil's gonna leave you. Why? (Also, you're getting married!!! Congratulations!!)

A. (Thank you!!) I don't know to be honest. It's just the way I am, I guess. I feel like I'm boring, like there's nothing interesting about me. Phil's kind and gentle and everyone likes him. I just feel like we're too different, you know? He deserves to be with someone as amazing as him. And until now I didn't believe that I was that person. But now we're getting married :D I'm not going to let anyone ruin that, not even myself.



Q. Roses are red, pickles are green, i like your legs, and what's in between.

A. Um... thanks?? That is kinda uh a little inappropriate.

Phil: Turn on your location. I just wanna talk (ಠ_ಠ)

Q. Congrats on the marriage!!

A. Thank you ^_^

Q. What's your dream wedding?

A. Just being with Phil feels like a dream so it doesn't really matter to me what kind of wedding I have but... um I would love a beach wedding, nothing too fancy, just our closest friends and family. I would really really like that. In fact we're kind of planning it.

Q. Does Phil always top? Or you do too?

A. Um.. this is kind of inappropriate too but um... a-actually... it's... mostly p-phil. But I have topped a few times...just to...uh.. try it but mostly it's Phil.

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