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Dan : Don't text me.




Dan : I said don't text me!

Dan : Aren't you at the party?

Phil : I'm worried about you!

Phil : What are you doing?

Phil : Did you have dinner yet?

Phil : You're not starving yourself, are you?

Phil : Baby?

Phil : Did the lady come by?

Phil : I told you to call me if you needed me!

Phil : Dan, I know you're reading this! You can at least reply so I know you're okay!

Dan : You're not my mother. I can take care of myself. Stop texting me and enjoy the party.

Phil : It's boring without you.

Dan : I'm not some object for your personal entertainment.

Phil : I know.

Phil : I love you.

Dan : Ok.

Phil : ......

Phil : Baby, you know I can read you like an open book.

Phil : You're clearly upset.

Phil : I don't want to be at some stupid party. I'm coming home.

Dan : No!

Dan : I'm fine! How many times do I need to tell you that???

Phil : Mrs. Browning said you were crying.

Dan : What? Why would she tell you that? What the fuck?

Phil : Baby, please don't be stubborn. I love you. I really don't want to be here. I would rather cuddle with you on the couch and watch a movie or something.

Dan : No.

Dan : I want some space.

Dan : This isn't healthy.

Phil : Baby, please.

Phil : I know you don't mean that. Please tell me why you're doing this.

Dan : I told you I need some space.

Phil : Dan, I'm serious. What is it? Spit it out.

Phil : You always keep everything bottled up inside, that's why this happens.

Dan : Shut up and go back to the party.

Phil : Tbh I never even went anywhere. I'm in the parking lot sitting inside the car.


Phil : I had to. You were forcing me to go. I didn't want to go. I wanted to be with you.

Phil : Actually I wanted to take you out for dinner.

Phil : I love you, dan.

Phil : Now tell me what's wrong or I'll come up and if I see you crying, I'll really lose it.

Dan : Nothing's wrong. Everything's perfectly fine.

Phil : Okay, I'm coming up then.

Dan : No!

Phil : Then tell me.

Phil : I said I love you two times, and you didn't even say it back. That kinda hurt, you know.

Dan : I'm sorry.

Phil : What's going on, baby?

Phil : Out with it.

Dan : ....

Dan : I read a comment on YouTube.

Phil : Dan, I told you to ignore them.

Dan : I know but it had almost a hundred likes and thirty replies. They were talking about how unhealthy our relationship was and how we should spend some time apart. They said I was suffocating you. That it's because of me, you don't go out anymore.

Dan : I think they're right. I'm suffocating you, aren't I?

Dan : I just love you so much, I'm sorry.

Phil : Oh, baby..

Dan : It hurts.

Phil : That's not why I don't go out, cupcake. I just don't feel like going to parties and getting drunk. I'm twenty seven, baby, not seventeen. I just don't see the point in all of that anymore.

Dan : But still.

Phil : I just want to marry you, buy ourselves a nice house and adopt a lovely little girl and raise her together with you.

Phil : I love you.

Phil : These stupid parties don't mean anything.

Dan : You want that with me?

Dan : You SERIOUSLY want that with me?

Phil : Of course, Dan. I love you.

Dan : Really? What if this really is unhealthy?

Phil : I don't give a fuck tbh

Phil : I love you.

Phil : I love you.

Phil : I love you.

Dan : Stop.

Phil : I LOVE YOU.

Phil : I LOVE YOU.

Phil : I LOVE YOU.

Phil : I LOVE YOU.

Dan : I love you too.

Phil : :)

Phil : So can I come home now? I miss you. I want to cuddle with you. Can we do that now?

Dan : ....

Phil : Please? I'm lonely. I miss you :(

Dan : ....

Dan : Okay.

Dan : I love you, Phil.

Phil : I love you too, dan.

Dan : I'm sorry.

Dan : I'm an idiot.

Phil : You're my idiot ;)

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