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A/n: Guys, this chapter is not texts, it's conversations. Finally the real proposal :)

Dan : "Where is he!?"

Chris : "Chill, dude. Let's go inside."

Dan : "I'm not going in there."

Chris : "Why the hell not?"

Dan : "Dammit, Chris! I don't like fancy restaurants! Where's Phil? Just tell me already!"

PJ : "Can you stop acting like a stubborn little brat! Phil's in there! Now c'mon!"

Dan : "Phil? Phil's in there? But why? Is he-Is he really b-breaking up with m-me? Is that why you all are acting weird?"

Chris : "Dan, no! Why would you even- oh shit, don't cry!"

Dan : "S-Shut up! J-just leave me alone!"

[ Dan turns to leave, eyes shining with unshed tears ]

Chris : "PJ, help me! He's trying to leave!"

Dan : "Let me go, dammit! I'm n-not going in there!"

PJ : "Chris, let's drag him in."

Chris : "Okay, one, two, three."

[ Suddenly the door opens ]

Everyone inside : SURPRISE!

[ Dan stands frozen at the sight of the crowd and the beautiful decorations, eyes wide in shock as he takes everything in ]

Dan : "What... what the fuck."

[ Dan notices Phil in the crowd. Phil smiles and steps forward ]

Phil : "Happy birthday, baby."

[ Dan, completely confused, just blinks incredulously ]

Dan : "I..... w-what?"

Phil : "I'm sorry for ignoring you. I love you."

Dan : "What?"

Phil : "I'm sorry, baby. It.. everything that happened today.. it was my plan."

[ Dan continues to stare disbelievingly and Phil bits back a smile ]

Dan : "You... you p-pranked me?"

Phil : "No! I.. I was just..."

Dan : "Y-You what?"

Phil : I wanted to surprise you. Please forgive me, I love you. I wanted this to be a REALLY big surprise. I'm sorry, I have no other excuse for my behavior."

[Finally the realization creeps in and Dan gasps ]

Dan : "You...you bastard! How dare you! I thought you were... were.. b-breaking up with me!"

Phil : "I could never do that to you, Dan."

Dan : "B-but... you.. I.. I can't b-believe this."

[ Phil smiles at that, dropping to one knee. Cameras go off in the background ]

Phil :"Neither can I."

Dan : "Wha... what the h-hell are you d-doing?"

[ Phil stares up at Dan hopefully and lovingly ]

Phil : "Dan, I... I love you."

Dan : "I a-already know that. What are y-you doing? S-Stand up."

[ Phil simply smiles ]

Phil : "Just listen, baby. I want to say this."

[Dan stands completely shocked while Phil takes a deep breath]

Phil : "I've loved you ever since the first time I lay my eyes on you although perhaps, at that time, I was too young to realize it. But I truly realized it years later when I met you again. It was the best day of my life. I felt like I was finally complete, like there was nothing else in the entire world that could make me more happy than having you by my side. We've been through a lot together. We've had fights, we've made memories. We've been through thick and thin together. You have made me smile, laugh and cry. Most of all, you have made me happy and I have tried to do the same for you. Sometimes I failed, sometimes I won and slowly I also realized that just... just seeing you smile made my day, it made me forget about my worries and made me look forward to the future. It made me believe in myself...it.. it was the only thing that kept me going during my darkest times. I don't think you realize how much I love you and maybe you never will, that's just how you are. But I want you to know that I'm endlessly and hopelessly in love with you and you're the most important person to me in the whole entire universe."

[ Dan stood stunned, tears streaming down his face ]

Phil : "And I..... I hope I can be the most important person to you too."

[ Phil holds out the ring, smiling at Dan's tearful face ]

Phil : "Daniel James Howell, will you marry me?"

[ Dan chokes ]

Dan : "I.... oh m-my god... shit..."

[ The crowds watches expectantly, one Troye Sivan is seen hyperventilating ]

Phil : "Well...?"

[ Dan jumps and tackles Phil into a hug ]

Dan : "Yes! Oh my god, yes! Yes! I will! I love you! Fuck, I love you so much!"

[ The crowd erupts into cheers and laughter, cameras flashing blindingly, one Troye Sivan is also seen fainting ]

Dan : "You asshole. You scared me. I was worried about you the whole day! Oh my god, I can't believe we're getting married!"

[ Phil smiles ]

Phil : "But it was worth it at the end, wasn't it?"

[ Dan smiles back shyly ]

Dan : "Yeah, I guess."

[ Phil grins and leans in to kiss Dan ]

Niall in the background: "So the food is free, right?"

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