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Emily: Hey, dad.

Phil: What's up?

Emily: Papa says he hates you and he's getting a divorce and he never wants to see your stupid face EVER again. Goodbye, dad. I'm going with papa. See ya!

Phil: Huh? What? What did I do now?

Emily: You forgot your wedding anniversary.

Phil: Oh fuck.

Emily: Papa saw that.

Phil: Double fuck.

Emily: Papa says you're irresponsible and you're incapable of looking after me if you can't even refrain yourself from swearing in front of me. I'm only thirteen and I should not be exposed to these types of words at such a young age.

Phil: Triple fuck.

Emily: Papa's banging his head against the wall.

Phil: He's going to hurt himself!

Emily: Nah.

Phil: Emi!

Emily: What?

Phil: What's he doing? Why isn't he answering his phone?

Emily: He's mad at you. How could you forget your anniversary? He's been waiting for your call all day.

Emily: You're cruel, dad.

Emily: Poor papa.

Phil: I didn't forget, Emi. I was busy, I'm sorry.

Phil: Tell him to answer his phone.

Emily: He's really mad at you this time.

Phil: Please, Emily!

Emily: Why should I listen to you?


Emily: Can I go to that party I told you about with Mike?

Phil: No, you're thirteen! You're too young to hang out with boys!

Emily: Okay. Papa's getting a divorce. I'm leaving with him. Bye, dad.

Phil: You little stubborn piece of-- NOPE NOPE you're my daughter. I won't say it. NOPE.

Emily: You almost slipped. You were about to call me a piece of shit. Papa saw that too.

Phil: Oh fuck!

Phil: Holy shit, I didn't mean to say that!

Phil: Fucking hell I didn't mean to say that either!

Phil: Dammit, why!!

Emily: .....

Emily: Papa saw everything. He's packing his things.

Phil: Just tell him to call me!

Emily: Can I go to that party?

Phil: No!

Emily: Then why should I listen to you?


Emily: Please, dad. PLEASE? I won't ask you for anything else, I swear!

Phil: Ugh!

Phil: Okay, fine. Fine! Go to the stupid party, alright?

Phil: But no alcohol and no boys!

Emily: Yes! Thanks, dad! Bye!

Phil: Wait! Tell your papa to reply to my texts!

Emily: Okay! Love you, bye!

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