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Unknown : Hello, my dear friend, how are you?

Phil : What do you want, asshole?

Unknown : Your sex tape!

Phil : I'll castrate you, you psycho!

Unknown : Ooooh who's the real psycho now?

Unknown : By the way, I never even said I was a guy. How are you going to castrate me?

Phil : Oh, are you a girl?

Unknown : Nope, I'm a guy.

Phil : Then why did you even say that?

Unknown : Because you assumed my gender.

Phil : ....

Phil : Aaahh I'm done fighting with you, let's call a truce.

Unknown : Hmmmmm okay then truce

Phil : Good.

Phil : Now what's your real name, weirdo?

Unknown : It's a secret😎


Unknown : I'm Homo sapien😂

Phil : Ew weird name.

Phil : So should I call you Homo or sapien?

Unknown : ...........

Unknown : ...........

Unknown : I guess you could say that Dan fucked you SENSELESS.

A/n: For anyone who doesn't know, Homo sapien is the scientific name (or binomial nomenclature) for human being. So basically unknown joked that he was a human being but Phil thought it was his name. 

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