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"Oh my god why won't this stupid locker open?!" I mumbled to myself as I jiggled the lock again after attempting to dial in the combination given to me. My first day in a new school was NOT off to a good start! I grumbled and kicked the locker again before attempting a fourth try when I heard someone speak up from my left side "Want some help?" I lifted my gaze from my lock to see a tall guy with dark brown almost black hair and the most vibrant blue eyes smiling at me while lazily twirling a drum stick in his fingers "Sure if you think you can get this stupid thing to open" I huffed as I stood back to let him try it. I read off the combination and I'll be damned if the lock didn't snap open easily after his first attempt "Easy as cake" he smirked, handing me my lock and standing aside. "Wow thanks, how the hell did you get it on the first try?" I asked as I slid my messenger bag in along with my small purse and offered a smile back at him "You just have to know how they operate" he teased with a wink then held out his hand "I'm Jimmy" he said with a cute grin. "Callie" I smiled back as we shook hands.

"You're new here aren't you?" he stated as he leaned against his locker while I fumbled with a notebook and my class schedule "Is it that obvious?" I laughed while brushing back a strand of my long hair "Yea kinda is, you stick out like a sore thumb, but a cute one" he laughed, I noticed his voice had a slight lisp to it making me like this kid even more by the second. I took a second to assess him while rummaging through my bag for a pen, he was dressed in loose baggy jeans and had a vintage metal band shirt on...Pantera I think it was. He sort of had this grunge/metal look going on and it suited him well "You play drums?" I asked as he continued twirling his drumstick. Jimmy shot me a lop sided grin and laughed "Yea just a bit" he said "So what's your class schedule like? I can try and show you where all your classes are...just consider me your expert tour guide!" he teased as I handed him my schedule.

I watched as Jimmy scanned my schedule with a smile before handing it back to me "Lucky for you we have a lot of classes together including homeroom. Come on let's get going before all the good desks are taken" he stated and put his arm around my shoulders like we knew each other for years instead of just minutes as we walked off towards homeroom. Jimmy found two desks together at the back of the room just as the bell was ringing "Best seats in the house" he teased and slouched back in his chair still twirling his drumstick. "Do you ever put that thing down?" I teased with a whisper as I slid into the seat next to him "Not usually" he laughed with a wink then reached over and pulled my notebook off my desk and grabbed my pen. I watched as Jimmy scribbled something in my notebook before sliding it back onto my desk along with my pen

-Where are you from? What are you doing here in Huntington Beach? Let's get to know each other-

Was what Jimmy had scribbled in my notebook. I smiled and wrote back my response

-I'm originally from Georgia; parents moved here for my dad's business...he's a lawyer. I'm an only child so yea; I'm a spoiled brat ha-ha. How about you?-

I wrote back and slid my notebook back to him when the teacher wasn't looking

-Whoa a Georgia girl in Southern Cali! Alert the media! HAHA! A spoiled little rich girl huh? You don't act like one...that's good! I've lived in HB, that's Huntington Beach for you foreigners, my whole life. I have two sisters, Kelly and Katie. Mom and dad are still together and working hard at keeping me in line-

I smiled at Jimmy's humor even through his writing as I wrote back a quick note

-So do you play the drums as good as you twirl that stick or is it all show? Ha ha-

-That's for me to know and you to find out, which you will because I'm so awesome I can't be ignored haha. What about you? Any special talents? Or are you a secret spy for the southern mafia and can't tell me anything? –

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