1| Just Not The Same Since There's Rain In My Head

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"You'll be staying in the basement all by yourself. Kind of your little escape from the big city, a safe place if you will. The tv and couch down here are all yours so I'll make sure to keep the boys upstairs. There's also a bathroom down here, you can have it all to yourself, lucky you. On top of that there is a desk with a computer here in the corner, it used to be in my office but it all got upgraded so now it's yours. It's still good if it means anything to you. Your bed is right here and you can pick out whatever sheets you want. There's a mini fridge down here and it's pretty empty but I'll fill it up with snacks pretty soon. Healthy snacks at that. There's a place to put your stuff you brought with you and if you want to change anything around let me know."

It was early October 2007 and I was still trying to figure my life out. I didn't know if I was going to be playing in the NHL this year or for how long, but after a good training camp they assured me I will be in Chicago and it'll be for the foreseeable future. I just hope I don't let anyone down.

I was okay with living in a hotel until next season but it probably wasn't the most ideal situation. An 18 year old boy from little old Buffalo, New York in the big city by himself. Doesn't know how to cook or clean or do most things by himself. In the NHL for his first time, a boy in the mans league. It sounds like a disaster if you ask me.

So the great Stan Bowman himself offered me his basement for the season. His family was insistent I stayed with them and I'm not one to turn down a home cooked meal. Learn some things from the best before I get fed to the wolves.

So I would be staying in this basement here for a while with Stans family. I already adored his sons and his wife said she can't complain about having three boys now. I promised to help out as much as I can although Stan says the only help he wanted was for the team. But my momma raised me better than that.

"Any questions" he asks and I ponder my thoughts.

"Didn't you say there was another kid here" I ask recalling our previous conversation.

"Danny? Danny is 19 so I wouldn't say "kid". You guys haven't met yet" he asks and I shake my head. "Well I guess I've been a bad host. Lets go find Dan" he announces.

We head upstairs and find Stans wife Suzanne picking up the living room of the toys scattered on the floor.

"Hey honey, where is Danny" Stan asks her and she laughs.

"Reading to the boys in their room. Always reading" she laughs.

"Should have guessed. Thank you" he says giving her a kiss on the cheek. That was cute. I wanted that.

We walk up stairs and head to the boys' room and I hear giggling. The giggles turn into laughs and I smile. They sounded like they're having a great time. Stan knocks on the door before opening it inviting himself in. We walk in and my heart stops.

Danny was a girl? And more importantly, Danny was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen? She had long jet black hair that was in a braid over her shoulder nearly reaching her waist. A few waves set free and framing her beautiful face. She had wide green eyes surrounded by impossibly long eyelashes that grazed her face as she reads the book she was holding. Her plump lips moving as her words pass them oh so softly. They were pulled into a smile showing off her perfect teeth. She wore a red Blackhawks hoodie and dark wash skinny jeans as she sits cross cross applesauce. The book Where The Sidewalk Ends held out so her and the boys who were in her lap can see it. She was by far the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She was so intriguing. She was... stunning.

She continues to read and I sit in listen, curious as to what she had to say.

"I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head."

"I love that one" I say a bit louder than anticipated and she stops reading. She looks at me and I feel as if every breath was sucked out of my lungs. Her eyes widen as she searches me before her lips pull into a little smile and I smile back. She obviously knew who I was and that made me nervous.

The boys hop up and attach to a leg each. I break my stare to say hi to my favorite little kids.

"Patrick! What are you doing here" the oldest Will asks.

"Patrick is going to live with us for a little while" Stan says and they begin to bounce around my feet.

"Oh does this mean we can have sleepovers" Will asks.

"And you can teach us hockey" Camden, the three year old adds on.

"Alrighty boys, calm down. He's a guest here not a play date. Go wash up before dinner" Stan warns and they pout. "Now" he says strictly and they let go of me. They head to the bathroom and I turn back into their room. The girl was now right in front of me, her fragrance entering my senses almost making me moan in pleasure. I stop my eyes from rolling into the back of my head as she looks up at me.

"Patrick, this is my niece Danielle and she lives with us too. Danny, as you know this is Patrick and he'll be with us for a while" Stan says. She reaches her hand out and I take it in mine. She gives my hand a good shake and I try my best not to hold on for too long. But her touch was so nice.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Kane. It's a honor to have you staying with us. I can't wait to see what you bring to the team" she says and I raise my eyebrow. What a proper thing to say, and totally not what I was expecting.

"It's great to meet you too. I hope I'll be seeing you around" I reply a bit too desperately and she blushes. She excuses herself to wash up and Stan takes me back downstairs.

"So this whole time I thought Danny was a dude" I admit as I help him set the table.

"Yeah, sorry about that. She doesn't like to be talked about. It's a difficult situation with her" he explains.

"How so" I wonder.

"Her mom died of cancer and her dad, also my brother, has been deployed over seas going on twelve years now. When he comes back he stays here with us then he gets sent away again. She's had it rough but she loves watching over the boys and helping out with the Hawks."

"No offense, but how does a nineteen year old girl help with professional hockey?"

"Don't underestimate her. She's the smartest person I know when it comes to business and hockey and most anything. And my dad is Scotty Bowman. But you should be thankful for her love of the hockey business and the Hawks, she's the reason you're here" he tells me and my eyes go big.

"Seriously" I ask.

"Yeah. St. Louis wanted you and was willing to give up a lot to get you, but she said it was a bad idea. She convinced us not to take the trade and I think she's right."

"Well I'll have to make sure I thank her" I nod.

"You should. Oh and Patrick, she's like a daughter to me. So don't even think about it" he smirks and I laugh.

"Got it" I nod.

We sit down for dinner and I enjoy myself. This is a lot better than eating alone in a hotel room. I can get used to this.

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