35| Memory Lane

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On this here off day I find myself in a familiar place. For nearly ten years I called this place home and I have to admit I missed my old home. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love living with Patrick. We haven't ever gotten in a real fight, just about what to have for dinner or which dynasty hockey team was best. I get to live my dreams out with my best friend and got to start fresh, I couldn't ask for a better opportunity to be me.

But this is where I learned to cook and take care of other people. I learned the importance of family and how love is stronger than most anything. I found myself here and coming back always places a smile on my face.

My uncle was at the hospital getting treatment so I was home with Suzanne and the kids. She had to get the house ready for when he got home and I get to chill with my favorite small people.

"So how are things with Patrick" Suzanne asks cleaning up toys. There was stuff everywhere and now I see why she called me over.

"Things are great. We're having a amazing time. He's doing amazing with the team this season and looks great under a new captain and coach. Work has been pretty busy. For the first time in forever all the season tickets were sold out. There are free agents interested coming over now so it looks like we're getting our hockey team back" I nod.

"That's awesome, but that's doesn't answer my question" she trails off.

"We're good Aunt Suzy. I promise. Patrick has been the best roommate ever. Never has the guys over past ten and he gives me space when I have stuff to do for school. Never brings up my parents and always makes me smile. Even the smallest things he does for me brighten my day. We're really good, I swear" I say and she smiles.

"Good. I was really hoping that worked out" she admits.

"What? You wanted me out of here" I tease.

"Of course not. But I wanted you to grow. To spread your wings you have hidden for so long and fly. I know being here killed you. All the reminders of what could have been, what should have been, it wasn't healthy for you to be here and watch your uncle go through the same thing your mom did. You shouldn't have to live in this house and feel like you have to because your parents wanted you here. You're becoming a very beautiful woman both inside and out and I'm so proud of you" she says storing away all the stuffed anmimals.

"Thank you, that means more than you will ever know" I admit.

We get that all cleaned up and the boys were still napping so we get supper started. Patrick and my grandpa would join us for dinner once my uncle got back. It helps him keep his minds off things and he enjoys the company.

After getting dinner into the oven Suzanne goes to take a shower and I go to my old room. I open the door and it was just as I remembered it.

All the newspaper clippings I've collected about hockey sat neatly on my old dresser. It was empty but filled with memories. I find a bunch of pictures I took with Patrick and my cousins and family. They were all so beautiful and I'm thankful I have such great relationships. My bed was still covered in pillows and mascots of random places my uncle had been. Nothing but hangers hung in my closet as all my stuff was at Patrick's and I's place.

I sit on my bed and pick up the last letter my dad has sent me. I feel tears build up as I see my name in cursive written on the front. I don't need him anymore, I was more than capable of figuring things out on my own. I just wanted him here so I could share all this cool stuff with him.

I get the boys up and we wait for everyone to get here to join us for dinner. Patrick arrives a short time later and we decide to set up mini sticks to pass time. I was on a team with Cam like always and Patrick was on a team with Will. Suzanne has gotten us softer sticks because Will got a black eye last time we played. In retrospect we should have done this in the the first place.

After a hour of that my grandpa and uncle joins us and we can finally eat. Suzanne and I set the table as we all sat along it. We make our plates and enjoy some nice dinner discussion.

"So Patrick, are you excited for the Winter Classic coming up" Stan asks him.

"Yeah, it's always special to be a part of something like that. Plus my family is invited to come experience it so it makes it that much better" he nods.

"What about you Danny, are you excited" my uncle asks.

"I am. It sucks that it's still a important game points wise and it's not a win win situation but it'll still be fun. Hockey was invented in the great outdoors. I can't wait to watch the game then look up and see the sky. It'll be so cool. And Wrigley is already filled with such rich history, to host our first outdoor game there is so special. I can't wait" I admit.

"It's going to be great" Stan smiles.

After dinner everyone goes to the living room to find a game on tv and watch it. I announce I'm going to get a few things from my room but end up staying in there. I see the picture from last year where I drew my dad and I together saying that's what I wanted for Christmas.

Thanksgiving was in a few weeks and the holidays were right around the corner. It'll be my first one without both of my parents and that's such a hard pill to swallow. The holidays were a time to be with your family and I couldn't be. It sucked. But I was still adamant on having fun and being with my family that was still here. I never did spend a lot of time with my moms side of the family. After she passed I kept little contact so I spend most of the time with my dads side of the family. They're a rowdy bunch but the most fun and most love you'll find around here.

My door creeps open and my grandpa shows up. He sits next to me as he looks at the letter in my hand.

"How are you holding up" he asks.

"I've been worse, that's for sure. Stan insisted I come on the circus trip to clear my mind and get away for a while and I don't think he's wrong. Running from my pain won't get rid of it but I'm not against trying new things. It's still hard to go on knowing so much is gone when I leave, but I know I have to, for everyone's sake" I sigh.

"I'm so sorry" he says wrapping arm around me. He rubs my arm and it did make me feel better. My grandpa is never really emotional but when it comes to me he breaks down and for that I'm thankful.

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