66| The Chosen One

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At the end of the regular season we ended up in first in the central and second in the conference and was tumbling out of the gates. I led the team in goals and assists and points and I felt like I was on fire. I've never felt this good.

For the first round of the playoffs we were playing the predators and had home ice advantage so we would be playing our first two games at home. I wasn't as nervous this year, I was a lot more sure of myself too. I had a hat trick last year and 14 points in 16 games, things were only going to look up as we have Hossa on the team this year who had been in the finals these last two years and our goalie was playing like a king. We were ready to do this and I honestly couldn't wait.

This morning I go to the Chicago tribune for a radio interview. Like most things I get stuck with Jonny and it looks like I had a real Captain Serious case on my hands.

"Don't say anything stupid, no smart comments, and try not to embarrass me" he snaps as we take the elevator up to the studio.

"Holy crap, who shit in your fruit loops this morning" I ask.

"It's been rough" he admits.

"Want to talk about it" I ask and he stops. His facial features soften and I can tell he's carrying a lot right now.

"It's just stressful with playoffs and everyone says I can get into the triple gold club and I'll be the youngest memeber of it. There's a lot of talking and a lot of pressure and it's messing with my head" he admits.

"So you take it out on me" I ask.

"Yeah, it's a lot easier that way" he shrugs.

"How about you actually deal with your problems" I suggest.

"Should I drink like you" he snorts.

"I drink to have fun" I claim and he rolls his eyes.

"You drink so your sober thoughts become drunk words and you can figure out what you're really feeling" he argues. Well he isn't wrong.

"And you become Mr. Grumpy pants who's mission in life is to make everyone around his life bad just because he doesn't like the way things are" I say

"I don't need this shit from you" he says trying to storm off but I grab his arm.

"You realize that you're the captain of this team right" I ask.

"How could I forget when it's everywhere" he mumbles.

"Okay... and do you know why you're the Captain" I ask.

"Because no one else would be" he shrugs.

"You're not a last resort... you're the first choice. Everyone saw in you what us guys see. You're not the captain because you're always upright or serious, it's because we see how much this team needs to you. You put us on your backs and you rise and fall with us. If someone is having a off day you're the first guy to tell him that everything is going to be okay. If someone is slacking you light a fire under him and get him going. You're everything this team needs. And you can't be that guys if you keep reading this shit people say about you."

"But they're not wrong."

"Not if you let what they say become the truth even if it's not. So what if you're young and inexperienced. At one time in his life so was Gretzky. You gotta start somewhere and let this be it. Build your legacy, become what you could be, not what the media says you're supposed to be."

"How am I supposed to know who I'm supposed to be?"

"I don't know, only you will know. You're a smart guy Jon, your enthusiasm might suck but you make up for it in other places. I'm honored that I got stuck with you because you're really not that terrible. But we have a lot of work to do and we're not getting anywhere if you're in this mindframe."

"You're right, I just gotta get out of my head. Whenever I hit the ice these thoughts become more distant and instincts take over. I just hate this part" he admits.

"I do too. And the sooner we finish this interview the sooner we get out of here" I admit.

We find our spots around the table and he host introduces us. We each day hi before they start asking questions.

"Do you guys think you can win it all this year" they ask and Jonny starts.

"I really do. I mean I wouldn't be a good player let alone Captain if I came into this thing not thinking we could win it. But I have very good reasons to believe we can win starting with the guy sitting next to me. Always seems to find the big moments and make them his. Then there's how the team was playing down the stretch here, that's championship hockey. It's been 49 years since the last cup and I don't want to wait one more year" he says.

"Coming from a Hawks fan... that's great to hear" the announcer dude smiles. "Okay, next question. Do you guys think your team is at a disadvantage with how little experience you have" he asks.

"Not at all. In fact I think the problem is we have too much confidence. We don't need people to believe in us, in fact I like it better when they underestimate us. It gives us a lot to work with in our favor and I'm always ready to prove someone wrong. Personally I know I'm ready, I've watched all the films, been to all the practices and read all the stats. I'm ready for whatever Nashville has to throw at us" I nod.

"I like the sound of that. Now on to some fan questions. This one is for Jonathan: what is your favorite pregame ritual?"

"Taking a nap. It sounds lame and I guess it is, but it's important to me. It stops me from over thinking too much, gives my body a chance to rest before I put it through hell and back. Get some down time before it all gets started."

"Nice, this ones for Patrick: rumor has it you're getting married soon, tell us about that."

"I am. I don't want to go into too much detail in respect to my fiancé and I and our families privacy but I think I can give a run down. It's a fall wedding here in Chicago. There's a lot of people invited so it should be a good time. Jonny here is going to be there so it probably won't be that good of a time. But the wedding is pretty much done, were just getting the finishing pieces done."

"And your fiancé is a Bowman, right?"

"She's so much more than that. In fact she's writing a book about it."


"Yeah, it's about what it's like to be her. It's going to be a great book. She's a very strong and very intelligent woman. She's been through so much and it's not my place to tell. But you can read it all sometime next year."

"That's incredible. So you guys are busy?"

"Yeah, she's going to school and works with the Hawks so more so her than me. But we make it work. She loves making me watch film so she can tell me how to get better and she hasn't been wrong yet. She's brilliant really."

"She's got the Bowman trait huh?"

"That she does" I laugh.

We finish up the interview and go our separate ways. I get home and see all the lights turned off.

"Danny" I yell but she never answers. Max runs over and of course I bend over to pet him. I go into our room and hear some calming music playing. Her side of the bed was made and my side was ready for my pre game nap. There was water and some fresh fruit on my night stand and I smile to myself knowing who did this. I sit on my side of the bed and see a note on her pillow. I pick it up and read it to myself.

"Had to pick up some things for my uncle so I can't pre game nap with you. You poor unfortunate soul you. So here's everything I usually do for you already done, get some sleep and get ready to kick ass. Love you, Danny."

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