21| Just the Beginning

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After one last home game the Hawks finished just three points out of a playoff spot this season. Not bad for a rebuilding team and they're in the perfect place to go into next year.

As for today it was locker clean out so I hung out in there as people packed up. Said good bye to my favorite tough guys and wished them well until I saw them next.

"You're not going to get me traded right" Seabrook teases and I roll my eyes.

"Calm down you're not going anywhere" I assure him.

"Good, because I invested a lot in those two and I would hate for it to go to waste" he says pointing at Patrick and Jon as they laugh at lord knows what.

"Yeah, they're going to need all the help you can give them" I admit.

I walk over there and plop myself in Patrick lap. He grabs my waist and adjusts me so he was comfortable.

"I hear a lot of laughing and not a lot of packing" I shun.

"What does packing sound like" Jonny asks with a shit eating grin across his face.

"It's going to sound like me smacking you if you don't get to it" I threaten and he raises his hands in surrender.

"Damn, no need to be violent" he mumbles while walking away. He's a hockey player, violence is in the job description.

"You know, this whole locker clean out is kind of depressing. I don't really want it to end" Patrick admits.

"It's not ending. You guys are going to stay together for the most part next year. I'm sure you'll keep in touch with everyone over the summer" I nod.

"Yeah, but it's not the same. I'm no longer a rookie anymore. I'm a second year player and still have so much to prove" he claims.

"And you're going to prove that you're worth the hype and so much more" I assure him. He smiles up at me and I mess with his hair.

"You better pack up before you get kicked out" I warn. I get off his lap and help him collect his things. We get the stuff in his car and finally we were done.

"Hey, I'm gonna meet you at home. There's somewhere I need to go" I explain and he nods. He kisses my forehead before jumping in his car and taking off. I hop in my car and head to the store to pick up a bouquet of flowers.

I walk up to my moms headstone and sit myself in front of it. I place the flowers next to it and wipe away a tear.

"Hey mom. Just wanted to stop by and talk to you. It's been a while since I visited last, so I thought I should probably catch you up.

Dad's still fighting over seas, he claims he's not going to come back until something gets fixed. I don't think there is a solution but I'm not going to be the one to tell him that. We send each other letters as often as we are allowed to but a lot of what I feel doesn't translate correctly. Like how much I need him, how much I wish he was here through all this shit. I would kill to have just one of you here.

Uncle Stan is getting better. They're giving him a lot of treatments to kick this thing in the ass but it's hard. He has a break for a little so hopefully he'll focus on himself for a while. Suzanne is staying really strong and we keep the boys under control so it could be worse. I just can't lose him to cancer too. I would lose it.

The team didn't make it to the playoffs again. Yeah, I know. Real shocker right? But things are different this time. The team is excited to come back, they couldn't leave today. They're all going to work then come back and have a great season next year. Things are looking up and I have confidence that real soon we're going to get back to winning.

As for me, I'm doing just fine. I finished my second year of college on the deans list again. My classes next semester are more major oriented so that should be fun. I love doing a online college because I can help with the team and watch the boys and still get work done. The only thing that sucks is that Patrick is probably going to go home for a while. I'm really going to miss him. He's been my best friend for better part of a year and I can't help but feel like I should be with him. He means so much to me... I'm just so scared. Terrified of something going wrong. What it means to the team or my family or our friendship. This is why I wish you were here. You would tell me what to do.

I can hear it now. "Danny Marie get your head out of your ass. Can't you see that you love each other and love is stronger than any and everything. Tell that boy you love him before dinner." I just wish it was that easy.

I just wanted to catch you up. I know you're watching over me from heaven but I just wanted to get this out in the air.

I miss you so much mom. I love you."

I pick myself off the ground and shake myself of any lingering emotions. I drive home and was a bit confused. I find Patrick's car was completely empty and just sitting there.

I go inside and look around the living room and kitchen but he wasn't there. I go downstairs and find him folding laundry and putting it away.

"What are you doing" I ask and he smiles when he sees me.

"My laundry. Suzanne says she won't do it for me anymore and I have to learn sometime, right" he asks.

"Um sure, but shouldn't you be packing or be packed" I wonder.

"What? You kicking me out" he laughs.

"No. I just thought you would be going home for the summer like everyone else" I admit.

"This might not be my home, but it's a home to me. I can't leave right now, Stan is still in and out of the hospital and the boys need someone to look after them. Plus there's this pretty girl that lives upstairs who I really like" he smirks and I blush.

"Okay then" I say slowly.

"Do you not want me to stay" he asks.

"No! I mean... not at all. I just thought you were leaving me" I whisper.

"I could never leave you" he claims and I smile. Nice to know.

"You need help with laundry" I ask as he was folding the same shirt the whole time I had been down there.

"That obvious huh" he asks.

"A little" I giggle. I go over there and teach him how to fold and hang laundry properly. I teach him how to organize his clothes and we get him all set.

At about three in the afternoon Stan comes downstairs with a big smile on his face. He was getting around well today and that made my heart happy.

"Guess what" he asks and Patrick and I shrug. "Patrick is going to Toronto because he was nominated for the rookie of the year" Stan announces.

"Really" Patrick asks.

"Yeah. Jonny is nominated too" he says and Patrick laughs.

"Of course" he mumbles.

"Patrick, this is great" I say.

"I'm not sure I'll win" he shrugs.

"I'm sure you will" I say.

"How do you know that" he questions.

"I wouldn't doubt her Patrick. She hasn't been wrong yet. You should know that better than anyone" Stan teases. I wink at him and he starts to laugh.

"Well it looks like we're going to Toronto" he announces.

"We" I ask.

"Well yeah. We. Because without you there is no me."

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