60| Credibility

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As this year comes to end I find myself a little sad. It had been a great year in a lot of senses. I have my dad back in my life, I started writing a book and got a upgrade in the Hawks organization. I'm going to get married and moved into a beautiful house. What more can I ask for?

But as great as this year has been I know next year can be better. I'm getting married, maybe we'll finally win the cup or something. Who knows, it hasn't happened yet. That's the beautiful thing about the future. It's hasn't happened yet and nothing is written in stone. We can make it whatever we wanted it to be and I wanted it to be amazing.

And to bring in the new year I was going to enjoy a small team party at the Hjalmarssons house. There was no winter classic game this year so the boys could let lose a little.

I go shopping with Hammers wife Elina and the other Patrick's wife Abby for a dress and enjoy some time with people of the female gender for once.

"So its you're first New Years as a 21 year old... you going to get wasted tonight" Elina asks me and I laugh.

"I don't think so" I shake my head.

"Really? You're young and in college, you should be able to drink and cut loose some time" Abby claims.

"Yeah... the key word there is should. But I can't, because I'm a Bowman and my whole life is under a microscope. My actions effect my name, and I can't let a drunken mistake take away what my dad or uncle of grandfather has done. Everything I do puts my families credibility on the line and it sucks but that's how it goes. I'm supposed to be this perfect little angel who gets good grades and does what she's told. I don't need one mistake to tarnish everything I and my family has been through" I sigh.

"Wow, that's rough. So you like never do anything wrong" Elina asks and I laugh.

"Not along the lines of smoking or drinking" I reiterate.

"Have you and Patrick had sex" Abby asks and my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

"Excuse me" I choke out.

"You heard me" she smirks.

"I mean... yeah" I blush.

"There you go, you had premarital sex. That's frowned upon by some people" she defends.

"Yeah, but if the media finds out about my sex life I'm leaving Chicago" I admit.

"Sex is natural, that's hardly something to be ashamed of" Elina shrugs.

"Can we please talk about something else" I groan.

"Fine, lets find you a dress" Abby says and I sigh in relief.

We look around for a little but I didn't find much I liked. Eventually Elina pulls out a little red dress and Abbey claps her hands together.

"You really think I can pull that off" I ask.

"I think you're the only one who can pull it off" Elina claims. That's a bold statement.

I take it and try it on and I actually liked it. It was a little shorter than I would have liked but I wasn't going to be picky.

"Wow Danny, you look amazing" Abby says as I do a little turn.

"Yeah. You might be this little innocent little thing but you look like you could steal anyone's man" Elina adds on.

"Oh my god" I laugh. I forgot what it's like to be around women, and how straight forward they are.

I get the dress and head over to Elina's to get ready. I figured it would be easier than me going home then coming back. I pull on the dress and borrow a pair of black heels. Her and Abby both work on my hair since there was enough of it there for the both of them. After that I let them do makeup, which was just mascara and lipstick, I was ready.

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