32| You Got What It Takes, But It'll Take All You Got

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Finally the day comes when the 2008/2009 season starts. The Hawks were in New York to take on the mighty Rangers and start their quest for lord Stanley. Quite a bold statement but you can't go into a season expecting to lose, you can get high draft picks for so many years before you're expected to do something with them. But this team was still young and they needed a winning mind frame instilled in them. We had the youngest captain in the league and the reigning rookie of the year leading us into battle and were expecting a much better season than last year, and that all started tonight.

But before that we had one last pre season morning skate to get through.

I sit in the stands with my notepad and paper and watch the guys warm up. Most of them just sit around and talk or whack each other with their sticks, and although it was funny to watch it wasn't the most productive of practices. They were talented and energized they were just missing something. I'm not sure what though.

"What are you thinking about" Stan asks sitting next to me. He had a meeting but like most things around here that didn't last long.

"I'm thinking that this is a great team who is missing something" I admit.

"You see it too" he asks.

"Yeah. I mean the chemistry is great, I think you have three solid lines and the bottom line will always be tinkered with. The defensive pairs are strong and agile, but there's something thats not there. It's the difference between being good and being great" I explain.

"Good eye kiddo. And I think it's the coach" he says and I turn to him.

"Savvy is a part of Blackhawks history, he's a great player and great for this organization" I argue.

"All of those are true. But he's not a good coach" he says.

"I guess so, but I love having Savvy around. He had this team three points out of a playoff spot last year. He was a great player and he loves the organization, that's hard to find. A lot of great players have come out of this organization but he's the only one who actively wants to see it do good still" I explain.

"That is also true, but we need someone who doesn't want to be everyone's friends. Who doesn't feel like they owe this organization something. Who has high expectations to succeed day in and day out and will put up with our young guys and turn them into feared opponents. Not just the team with a few good young guys who can be good but won't" he says and I nod.

"I know you're right. I just don't want to see him go" I sigh.

"He'll still be with us, just not as the head coach" my uncle claims.

"Okay then, who is going to be" I ask.

"I'm not sure yet" he shrugs.

"It wouldn't be my grandpa... would it" I ask.

"No no, he's done coaching. If he wins any more games or cups no one will ever break his record" he laughs. "But whoever it is he has to be just as dynamic" he sighs. He had a point.

After practice I go out to lunch with some of the guys on the team. It was me, Patrick, Steeger, Bolland, Tazer, and Big Buff all sitting at a booth in a Buffalo Wild Wings. We had already pissed off the waiter but that was mostly big buffs fault. He was very straight forwards and sometimes that's not such a good personality trait to have.

"We really shouldn't be eating this shit" Jon says and we all groan.

"Step down veggie man, it's fine" Big Buff says throwing a piece of celery that came with his wings at him. It nails him in the cheek and we all giggle to ourselves.

"Okay, don't say I didn't warn you all" he says picking up the celery stick and pointing it around.

"So Danny, what do you know about this winter classic game we're playing in" Steeger asks.

"It's quite amazing actually. They're laying ice down on Wrigley field already and you're playing right there on the field. Their locker rooms become your locker rooms and you'll play in front of 40,000 screaming fans. As long as it's not storming you'll be playing so here's to hoping it all goes well" I nod.

"I heard were getting throwback uniforms, is that true" Patrick asks.

"Yup. The Red Wings are wearing some too, but obviously yours are cooler" I explain.

"That's awesome, I'm excited" Bolly admits.

We finish our lunch and go to hang at the rink until it was time to get ready. We chill in the weight room as some of the guys warm up on the bike and others like Patrick laid on a yoga mat.

"What is it like holding the Stanley cup" he asks me.

"The last time I saw that thing I was fourteen, I couldn't get that thing over my head by myself. My grandpa had to hold it there" I laugh as I recall nearly decapitating myself with the thing.

"What is it going to take for me to be able to do that some day" he asks.

"Everything" I say and he sits up.

"Really" he asks and I nod.

"The Stanley cup is the best trophy in history, there's not even a close second. It has been around for decades being passed around by the worlds greatest athletes. From Gretzky to Howe, from Orr to Hasek, it's been around the world, seen the most wonderful of sights. It's been dropped and dented but it's still beautiful. Because you see those names etched into the side, one by one names those names are added to a major part of hockey history. You have to play through injury, you have to play through the headache of a clinching game loss. No matter how much it hurts, no matter how tired you are, you have to fight to raise that cup. Every inch of that trophy is earned. To be able to say you've been through four rounds of the roughest and toughest most competitive series in the world of sports just to lift a 35 pound hunk of metal, well it seems kind of silly. But it's weightless when you look around and realize that you're now a part of history. That you and your team had overcome so much for this one moment in your life. So yeah, it's going to take everything in order to get everything" she says.

"Anyone else feel like they want to win a Stanley cup now" Steeger asks.

"No... never crossed my mind" Bolly replies sarcastically.

"I think it's about time we bring hockey back to Chicago and do whatever it takes to make it happen" Patrick nods.

"I do too" I smile.

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