29| O' Captian My Captain

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Training camp starts up at notre dame and it becomes real that the season was starting.

It's been a rough few weeks since we got news about Danny's dad. Part of me wants to believe that he's still out of there, but all of me knows that is a delusion in the hopes that I won't ever have to see Danny sad like that again. Seeing her like that broke my heart and I would do anything to make her happy.

After the funeral she slowly getting back into the swing of things. She came out to camp to get her mind off things and started back into school. She had taken a few weeks off but was looking forward to getting back to some sense of normalcy. And for her that was school and Hockey. Since she goes to school here but has never been here I suggested she came out to see the place. Look around and just stretch the legs.

Yesterday we spent the whole day walking around seeing new things and trying the campus food. She even got to meet a few of her professors in which they all said she was a great mind and wished her nothing but the best. Neither of us got to go to a college party or skip class to frolick through campus so that was our one day of messing around as fake college students. She had a smile on her face the whole time and I could tell she was finally starting to feel better.

As for today it was back to work for the both of us as she had scouting reports to go through for camp and I had to train.

I put on the strength t shirt we were handed out and head to the weight room. I sit with the guys as we wait to get started.

"Hey bud" Jon chirps sitting next to me.

"Hey Jon, what's up" I wonder.

"Nothing much. Ready to get this thing started. How's Danny doing" he asks. 

"She's getting there. She stoped crying finally so that's good. I couldn't handle seeing her like that, I felt like I was going to lose my mid. My heart physically hurt for her" I explain.

"Yeah, that's a really bad situation. I feel so bad" he admits.

"That makes two of us" I admit. "What about you, what's new? You get a girl yet" I wonder.

"No. I have other things to focus on... like keeping you in line" he smirks.

"You're like 7 months other than me" I scoff.

"Yeah, and I'm also your new captain" he smiles and my eyes go wide.

"No way! Jon that's great" I say and he finally smiles.

"Thanks. I was honestly shocked, but I'm ready" he claims.

"I know you are. If you would have played a whole season last your you probably would have stolen that Calder from my silky hands" I tease and he rolls his eyes.

"You're hilarious" he says sarcastically.

"I'm just pulling your leg. I really am happy for you" I defend.

"Seriously? You're not mad" he wonders.

"Nope. You were born for this. You raised from the leaves with a c on your chest" I chuckle.

"Is that your lame attempt of a Canadian joke" he asks.

"Yeah, and it made you upset so obviously it's working" I laugh. He punches my leg and I grunt.

"Not sure how many captains do good after hurting their top point getter before the season even starts" I mumble.

"Yeah, you gotta lighten up" Sharpy says and I smile. I've missed him the most.

"Well if it isn't the cooler and much better looking Patrick" Jon says glaring at me.

"Oh so now you're making jokes" I shun.

"I'm just trying to lighten up" he claims. Great, we haven't even started and he's already annoying me.

After a few hours of hard core training we were released for the day. I wobble back to the dorm I was staying in and fall onto my bed. I close my eyes until I realize I smelled something delicious and very familiar. I look up and see a plate filled with my favorite treat sitting on the table with a note. It read:

Dear Patrick,
Hope you didn't get worked out too bad. You have been waiting for this day for months after all. Here are some cookie brownies for getting past the first day and don't tell my uncle I did this! I love you and can't wait to see you.
Love, Danny.

I smile big because I have the best girlfriend ever. I swallow the treats whole and send her a text saying thanks.

Jonny eventually joins me in our room and we watch some tv together.

"My body huuurts" I groan and he laughs.

"Wimp" he mutters.

"Uptight" I spit back.

"Tiny" he replies.

"Head strong" I say.

"Are you two going to flirt the whole time, because I can leave" Danny says opening the door and I laugh.

"How did you get a key" I ask.

"My uncle and grandpa basically own this team, you act like it was hard" she rolls her eyes.

"What if I was naked" Jonny asks.

"Then I have some questions for you and Patrick" she smirks.

"And what if I was naked" I ask.

"I don't see a problem there" she admits and Jonny makes gagging sounds.

"Are you guys going to be gross, because I can be anywhere else but here" Jonny says with a look of disgust on his face.

"Calm down Captain Over Dramatic, I just came to get something from Patrick" she claims and I look at her weird.

"Oh, what is it" Jonny asks.

"A kiss" she says and he throws a pillow over his face. She jumps on my bed and gives me a kiss before joining me under the covers.

"Yup, I'm leaving" he announces walking out the door.

"If I would have known it was easy I would of had you come over hours ago" I laugh.

"Why are you so mean to him" she laughs.

"Because I can be. Because he's better at me at some things but I can still hang over him that I got picked higher and that I won the Calder. I always knew he would be the captain. Ever since training camp last year I knew it. But it's still nice to get under his skin. We're both going to be with Chicago for a long time if what you say is true so I have to have my fun too" I shrug.

We lay there for a little just watching tv. I look down to see her eye fixated on whatever we were watching. I move a piece of hair out of her face revealing those amazing set of lips. Wow she was beautiful. She looks up at me and I can't help but smile.

"What" she asks.

"Nothing, I just really love you. That's all."

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