9| Broken Promises

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"I just feel like you guys are more than friends" Amber insists crossing her arms over her chest. This conversation has come up more than a few times lately and I tried to avoid it but it was really bugging her.

"We're not, I swear. We live together and we work together and we're friends, it seems like we're together but we're not. She made it very clear we couldn't be together" I defend.

"That doesn't mean you don't want to be with her though, it means you can't be with her" she sighs. She had a point.

"I want to be with you. I swear it. How do I prove it to you" I ask.

"I don't want you to be friends with her anymore" she says and I pause. She was being completely serious and I had no clue she had such a dislike of me being around Danielle.

"I can't be friends with Danny" I ask.

"I don't see how you can be friends with her and a relationship with me, or anyone really. When we're together half the time you're talking about you and Danny. What Danny did for her cousins. What Danny did for your team. What Danny made for dinner. It makes me feel shitty" she explains.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea. But do you really think I can't be friends with her and your boyfriend too" I ask.

"Well, yeah. I mean look at her" she says.

"Are you jealous?"

"Kind of. I mean she's like the perfect girl for you. Shes super pretty and everyone loves her. Even I feel like I have to like her and that nauseates me. She's your bosses relative, knows just as much about hockey as you do. You live with her so you're with her all the time. It's intimidating" she claims.

"And we're just friends" I defend.

"And I rather you not be" she says.

"Fine! Fine. I guess I'll talk to her" I bargain.

"Really" she asks and I nod. She gives me a kiss and it only made me feel slightly better. I wanted us to work out so bad, but I don't know if I wanted it that bad.

I get home around eight and throw my wallet on the counter. I grab a drink and go downstairs trying to figure out what to do.

I get down there and see Danny in a serious lack of clothing cleaning up my room. That really didn't help. She was making my bed because she's just a great person and I was about to do a really shitty thing to her. I didn't want to, but I feel like had to in order to create some space. Not just because Amber said so but because she was right. I would never be able to be in mother relationship with her by my side.

"Hey Danny, can we talk" I ask and she turns around.

"Yeah, sure. What's up" she questions. We sit on the couch and I turn to her making sure we don't make eye contact. I know I'll break if I do.

"I wanted to talk to you about Amber" I start.

"I already told you. I don't have a problem with her" she remembers.

"I know. It's her who has a problem... with us" I say and she squints.

"Us? What about us" she asks.

"She doesn't like how close we are. She thinks that you like me and I like you and that she isn't as appreciated as you are in my eyes" I explain.

It falls silent as she just looks at me. I hated how she was looking at me. She was probably confused, I was too really. But the words sink in and her face falls.

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