38| Mad Max

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"What about this one" I ask pointing to a cute little dog. It was a little annoying but still adorable, kind of like Jon.

"You really think she wants a little lap dog" Jonny asks.

"No, probably not" I admit.

We had been Christmas gift shopping and on the top of my list was getting a dog. Since I couldn't surprise her with a dog the surprise was when she was going to get the dog. And if everything works out fine that day would be today. As it turns out, it is really hard to find a dog because honestly I want all of them. That's why I have Captain Nothing Is Ever Good Enough to help me narrow down the selection.

"What about that one" I say pointing to a bigger dog.

"You want to cuddle that" he asks and I laugh.

"Yeah, I actually do" I admit. He wasn't the cutest but he was still a dog.

We continue to look around and I stumble across the cutest thing I have ever seen. It had beautiful blue eyes and the coolest markings. I bend down to see eye to eyes  with it and it sits right in front of me and just stares at me.

"You're getting it

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"You're getting it... aren't you" Jonny asks as I smile up to him.

"I have to" I insist.

"You don't even know anything about the dog" he claims.

"You really could use some positivity in your life" I notice.

"Here's some information on him" Jon says handing me a paper and totally ignoring my suggestion. He should really take that into consideration.

It said that the dogs name was Max and he was 4 months old. He was a Australian Sheppard blue Merle and was a part of a dog breeding company before he was brought here. But he was potty trained and knew simple commands and just wanted a home with lots of love which we could provide, that's for sure.

"He's perfect" I admit.

"There's no such thing" Jonny scoffs.

"Seriously what is your problem" I laugh and he rolls his eyes.

I end up purchasing the dog and take him to Pets mart to get some things. I wanted to get him a bow so I can present him as a present later on. We also needed a collar and a tag and a leash at the least. Maybe some toys and a dog bed.

I walk around with my heavy hearted friend dragging his feet behind me. We pick out a red collar and get a tag with his name on it. Max picks out his own bed and I get a retractable leash because I'm sure he's going to want to go on a lot of walks. He was just a puppy anyway. We continue to look around as the dog just sits in the cart.

"I can't believe you got a dog" Jonny mumbles.

"Why is that" I wonder.

"Because you avoid responsibility like the pleague" he laughs.

"That's not true" I pout.

"Really? When was the last time you admitted to a mistake then fixed it all by yourself" he asks.

"I don't know... no one knows the answer to that. I'm just living my life, not keeping track of everything I do" I defend.

"Exactly, because you don't have to. Because Danny does it for you" he says.

"She's my girlfriend not my mother" I remind him.

"True, but you can't tell me that if she wasn't with you you wouldn't have a clue as what to do in most situations."

"I would like to think I would."

"Then you're lying to yourself. If you asked her to Danny would probably bathe you."

"She would because she loves me, not because I'm irresponsible or don't know how to take care of myself. She took care of her mother when she had cancer because she loved her, not because her mom couldn't take care of herself. Being in a relationship isn't pushing responsibility on one another or even buying each other things like dogs to make up for something that's missing. You don't get it because you're not close to her like I am, but Danny is a caretaker. She loves to do things for people because that's what makes her happy. And what makes me happy is seeing her happy, that's why we work."

"Doesn't mean you wouldn't be clueless if she wasn't there."

"I would be, because living a life without her is living a life without meaning. So in a way it's true, without her I'm no one. But I don't think that's a bad thing, because I know that I have someone I can spend forever with and never be tired of. I have someone who will always love me and I will always love her back. I have someone who looks past the hockey and takes away the pressure of what I'm supposed to be just so I can be it. I'm still making mistakes but she doesn't see that, she sees them as learning opportunities and that's why I think it's so important to have her around. Sure, she treats me a little too well sometimes but that's okay. As long as she's happy I won't be the one to complain" I shrug.

"You guys are seriously so gross. You sound like a old married couple" he gags.

"I do want to purpose sometime this year" I admit and his eyes go big.

"Okay, you're putting those big boy pants on a little too quick" he claims.

"Says the nhls youngest captain" I scoff.

"That's different" he claims.

"It's not..." I defend.

"I just... why? You're so young" he reminds me.

"Yeah, and me and you both know age is just a number" I say.

"When are you going to purpose" he asks.

"Not till closer to the end of next year. She's still getting settled in with me, she still misses her dad. She has school to worry about and I have a NHL season to complete. But by the end of the summer we will be engaged" I promise.

"Isn't that how it goes. First you buy a dog then you get sucked in" he shakes his head and I laugh.

"Sure, lets blame the dog" I chuckle.

After shopping he goes off to make someone else's day salty and I go home. I pick up Max and it was hard to keep him quiet, he was so excited. Finally he stops barking and I can go into the apartment. I walk in then set him down.

"Patrick! Is that you" Danny asks. She comes out of the kitchen because of course that's where she was and she stops when she sees the puppy. "PATRICK" she yells as the puppy jumps on her legs.

"Surprise" I smile and she picks him up.

"Oh my god he is so cute" she coos as he licks her face.

"Watch it bud, she's mine" I joke as he kisses her cheek.

"Oh he's perfect, what's his name" she asks.

"Max, and don't let Jonny hear you say he's perfect" I laugh.

"Why" she wonders.

"Don't worry about it. Merry Christmas" I say before placing a kiss on her lips.

"Merry Christmas Pat."

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