6| Amber Alert

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"Sharpy so help me God, if you don't stop poking my head I'm will come back there and smack you" I threaten. We were halfway through our flight to Washington and I was a hundred percent over his shit. Usually I just brush it off but this was about to be the longest plane ride of my whole life if this keeps up.

"But I'm not touching you" he claims and I groan. Is that Patrick or Will?

"Oh how I want to hurt you right now" I mumble.

"Still not touching you" he sing songs poking my head and I throw headphones on. This was actually torture. My phone was dead so I couldn't actually listen to anything but hopefully he got the memo to leave me the hell alone.

We were just on our way to play the Capitals and I already wanted to be back in Chicago.

"Leave him alone" Jonny threatens from beside me and Sharpy steps down. I already know he was going to be a great captain in the very near future because they sure as hell don't listen to me. I take my headphones off and let out a sigh.

"You seem stressed" Jon observes.

"Just haven't been sleeping well lately" I admit. That was part of it, so not entirely a lie.

"Any reason as to why that's happening" he asks.

"Just a lot on my mind" I sigh.

"Wanna talk about it" he asks and I turn to him. If I couldn't trust him then I might as well call it quits now. I feel like we will be lumped together for as long as we play here and neither of us were leaving any time soon.

"I really want to be with Danny but I don't want to pressure her into being with me. She's fragile and I don't want to break her, I would have like five dudes much bigger than me on my ass if I do. I can tell she likes me too but for whatever reason she's scared to be with me. I don't know what she's scared of, she just is. But I can't help but feel like we're supposed to be together" I explain.

"You're a teenager, its natural to want a relationship. To be with someone who makes you feel good. Maybe you should try it" he suggests.

"But she doesn't date hockey players" I remind him.

"Not with her, I mean with someone else. Maybe you just want to be with someone, not particularly her" he explains. That makes sense.

"Maybe. I'm not sure if it's that easy though. She's my best friend and I feel like we're more than that, I don't see how I can be with someone else feeling this way. It doesn't sound right being with someone else and having to see her all of the time. I feel weird thinking about it" I admit.

"Just give it a try. Find out what you really want. If you still want Danny, break up with the other girl. Let the girl know what's going on first so she isn't in a ugly situation then see what comes of it" he says.

"Okay, I'm trusting you on this" I say.

"Hey, if it doesn't work out then at least you have some answers" he defends. He does have a point.

We get to Washington and I decide I wanted to see the place. It's not every day you get to see the nations capital. Some of the guys and I walk around looking at the sights. We go past the White House and Washington monument. Finally we walk past the museum before calling it a night.

I head to my hotel room which I shared with Jonny and get ready for the game tomorrow.

"Feeling any better buddy" he asks and I laugh.

"Not really. Still thinking about her" I admit.

"You must really like this girl" he whistles.

"You've seen her, been around her enough times to know how amazing she is. Every day she shows me a new reason to fall in love with her and fighting that off, it sucks. I don't want to deny those feelings, but I don't want those feelings to become so strong and get stuck in the friend zone. But she's so incredible and she's perfect for me I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel. She knows the game better than most players do. She's extremely intelligent and can tell you stats and scores without second guessing. Dynamics, it runs in her blood. She's a Bowman, the top of the line hockey pedigree. But this one has a heart to go with it. She loves so hard. She writes poetry and takes care of people and does everything you ask her to without even thinking twice. I don't know if I can find another girl like that" I admit.

"You won't know until you try. That's like not taking a shot and saying it wouldn't have gone in. Of course it didn't because you didn't shoot it" he explains.

"Of course it makes sense when you put it that way. You should have started with that" I laugh.

"Sorry. I'll remember that for next time" he jokes.

We end up winning the game against the Capitals and flying home that night. As soon as I get back to the Bowman's I fall right asleep and wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. I go to morning skate then decide to get some lunch at Panera before heading home. Suzanne was out so I know it would just be leftovers for lunch.

I sit by myself eating and reading through the paper. A lot of hockey news going on I wanted to keep up with.

"Excuse me, is this spot taken" a sweet voice says and I look up. I see a pretty brown haired girl pointing to the seat across from me. She had bright blue eyes and a kind smile that made me feel good inside.

"Oh no, please, sit down" I encourage and she does.

"Thank you, I've never seen this place so packed" she admits. Her pretty blue eyes search me as she tries to figure me out. I wasn't sure if she knew me from hockey or not.

"Do you come her often" I wonder.

"Not around lunch time. I guess that was my own fault for coming when everyone else did" she giggles. She was cute for sure.

"I'm Patrick" I say.

"I'm Amber" she introduces.

We get to talking and I find I really enjoyed her company. She was funny and down to earth and not totally in my face. We talk about the weather and Chicago and really hit it off.

"So, do you live here" I ask.

"Yeah, I live with my roommate not too far from here. I got to college at UIC" she explains.

"That's cool. Do you like college" I wonder.

"Yeah, it gets a little crazy at times but I manage" she shrugs.

"Do you have a boyfriend" I ask and she smirks.

"I do not" she replies and I smile. "Do you have a girlfriend" she asks and I pause. I take a second to see if this is what I really wanted but not long enough before the words slip through my lips anyways.

"I don't" I finally reply and she nods.

"Do you want one" she asks and I laugh.

"It can't be that easy" I defend.

"It can be of you make it that way" she claims.

"Okay then, Amber. Will you be my girlfriend" I ask and she laughs.

"Yes Patrick, I would love to be your girlfriend" she smiles. We exchange numbers and set up a date to get to know each other better. We say goodbye and I go sit in my car for a little.

I did feel good knowing I had a girlfriend, but it didn't feel right knowing it wasn't Danielle.

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