42| Making a Name

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"Patrick wake up."


"Baby, it's time to get up."

I open my eyes and see a angel hovering over me. When my eyes clear I see it's just my beautiful girlfriend smiling bright causing me to do it also.

"Good morning Danny" I smile kissing her cheek.

"Good morning Pat, happy Valentine's Day" she says in her voice that was so soft. I pull her on top of me and she lays with her on my chest as I play with her long hair.

"You know you have to get up soon for morning skate" she reminds me.

"I don't know, I kind of like this" I mumble into her soft hair.

"I do too, but we got to get up because we both have to be at work in a hour" she says.

"Five more minutes" I whine and she giggles.

"Fine" she sighs over dramatically. She wraps her arms behind me and pulls me close and I finally felt at home.

After we cuddle for a little we jump in the shower and change. We get to Johnny's ice house and I change for practice. They never last long so I don't worry too much about stretching beforehand.

"What's up rookie" Sharpy asks sitting next to me.

"I'm not a rookie anymore" I remind him.

"You are to me" he says and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want" I ask and he gasps loudly.

"Can't I just talk to my friend" he asks.

"Not unless you want something..." I trail off.

"Fine I do. I wanted to have a nice dinner for Abby tonight but I want to give her a poem. An original, preferably from your girlfriend" he says and I raise a eyebrow at him.

"You want my girlfriend to write you a poem for your fiancé" I ask and he nods.

"Pleaseeee" he whines and I laugh.

"Why don't you ask her yourself" I wonder.

"Because..." he says.

"You can never call me rookie again" I smirk.

"So you'll do it" he asks.

"Yeah I'll ask her. She would love to" I smile.

I let her know of the request of which she felt honored to write a poem for them. She was pretty close with abby and sharpy and whenever I was with Patrick she was right there with me.

Practice comes and goes and at the end she hands Sharpy a paper with a poem on it. He really loves it and that made her quite happy. After I shower we hop in the car and start driving.

"You missed our turn" she notices.

"Not if I purposefully didn't turn there" I smirk.

"What are you doing..." she asks.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" I claim.

"I'm not even dressed up" she insists looking at her white jeans and red Hawks hoodie she was wearing.

"You don't need to dress up because you're literally always beautiful" I say and she blushes. She looks out the window and watches the buildings pass us by. She had the wildest smile on my face and I just don't want to crash because I was watching her.

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