4| You Make Me Smile

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After the first week of the regular season it becomes obvious that we had a lot to work on. And I mean a lot. There was many little things to clean up, but I've seen worse. Like the start of last season, although we don't need to bring that up.

I go into the little office in the United Center my uncle got for me and sit down. It was small but it had a tv and a computer and was perfect for what I do. A lot of unofficial things but my uncle likes to keep me around. I can't technically work here without a degree of some sort but I'm getting there. I have more years of experience working in hockey operations than most of the people who works here anyway. I think I deserve a small office to myself.

Uncle Stan was director of hockey operations for the Blackhawks. That means he basically over sees the organization. He does transactions in drafting and trading. He is responsible for informing rules, making sure the players are happy, and knowing stats. He made me a little assistant and I love helping him out. Keeps my mind off of things.

I'm in college right now for a degree in business management. I take my classes online at Norte Dame so I can work with my uncle during the season. My last name will get me far enough in this business, but I want to do better than that. So I'm going to college to make my first name as important as my last one while still being a part of the family business.

I sit at my desk and go through stats for the next game to see how we matched up. I look to see which goalie is predicted to play, I see what their goals against average is and how many shots they face on a nightly basis vs how many they let in. I look at the team that played in front of the goalie and what their lines look like. I search for the best match ups and see how their penalty kill is and power play. All that good stuff. Then I summarize it and write out anything I think is worth remembering before putting it all together.

I get my stuff reorganized and give it to my uncle.

"Great job kid" he smiles bright and I nod.

"How are you feeling today" I ask and he sighs.

"I'm fine" he claims and I squint at him.

"Seriously Uncle Stan, don't lie to me" I insist.

"I'm tired. I'll be gone all day tomorrow so that means you're holding drown the fort" he tries giving me a convincing smile.

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but I still worry about you" I admit.

"I'll be fine, I swear" he claims.

"My mom said the same thing" I say softly. He grabs my shoulders and I look up into his eyes. He wipes away a tear and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm not going anywhere" he promises and I nod. He lets go and goes to work and I turn around. Patrick and Jonathan Toews stand there just looking at me. It remains silent for a few seconds and I try to figure out how much of that they heard.

"I uhhh. I can explain" I say softly. I invite them to my office and close my door behind us. It was really only made for one person but they fit comfortably. I sit at my desk and the two freshly showered hockey players sit on my desk. I felt like I was in some kind of bad hockey commercial.

"What was that about" Patrick finally asks.

"My uncle... he has cancer. He's in chemo right now and it's been hard. Twice a month he goes in to get treated and for a few days after he can't do much of anything. It's been about a week since his last treatment but it's still weighing on him. He tries to keep his spirits up for us kids and his wife and the organization but I've been through this already, I know he's fighting with himself right now. No one knows about the cancer because he's such a work horse so he never misses, he doesn't want to use his cancer as a excuse for anything, but it's wearing him down" I admit.

"Wow... I had no idea" Jonny whispers.

"You can't tell anyone. Not even Coach Savard or any of the other guys. I know you two would never do him wrong, so I am trusting you with this" I say looking between the two.

"We won't say a word... right Patrick" Jonny says knocking into him and breaking him from his stare.

"Uh yeah. Right.

Hey Jonny, can I have a second alone with Danny" Patrick asks and Jon nods. Jonny gives me a hug and leaves Patrick and I together.

"What's up" I ask.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay. I know your mom had cancer and this can't be easy for you. You're relied on heavily in that family and I can't imagine what you're going through" he claims.

"Honestly... it sucks" I admit.

"Is there anything I can do" he asks and I shake my head. The only thing I want is for my uncle to be better and he can't make that happen. "Do you want a hug" he asks and I nod. I stand up and he wraps his arms around me tightly. I cry into his shoulder as he rubs my back. I felt so safe in his arms, I never wanted to leave. The only person that makes me feel this calm is my dad and who knows when I'll see him next. Patrick was right here when I needed him to be and that meant the world to me.

"I'm so scared" I admit.

"I got you" he whispers. We stand there until my sniffles stop. I take a deep breath and I have to admit, I feel a little better

"Are you going to be alright" he asks and I nod.

"Yeah, thank you" I say staring at the ground. He pulls my chin up so I have to look into his eyes. He moves a piece of hair that had fallen from its braid and I shutter at his touch. He pulls my chin closer and I don't back away. Our bodies press together as we stare at each other not saying anything. I can feel my breathing get erratic as his eyes search my face.

"I hate seeing you cry" he whispers.

"I'm sorry" I whimper.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. I just love your smile so much" he claims.

"You make me smile" I say and he smiles. I smile back without even trying and he cups my cheek.

"Are you better now" he asks and I nod.

"Yeah, thanks for that" I reply. He backs away slowly and out the door as I let out a large sigh. God. I thought he was going to kiss me, and part of me wished he did. But most of me is happy he didn't. I can't do that.

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