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After the Hawks defeat the Canucks in six games he end up losing out to the Red Wings in the western conference finals. Ironic because of how much my family had to do with that team just for them to knock us out of the playoffs.

But the guys went farther than anyone thought, it just goes to show that your team could be young and still be good and experienced at the same time. They also set up great things the future which every business owner knows is important. It'll make free agents want to come to this team and guys want to stay. But with a shorter summer I find it important to enjoy the small things.

"Do you want to come to Cancun with me" Patrick asks as I make him lunch on e early afternoon.

"Excuse me" I say nearly choking on the air. I really wasn't expecting this to be our lunch conversation.

"I want to go to Mexico, but I want you want to come with" he says.

"Is this like a vacation" I ask.

"Kind of. It's also a celebration" he claims.

"A celebration" I repeat.

"Yeah. I wanted to go as a late birthday celebration and a anniversary celebration" he explains.

"That sounds amazing Patrick, but I don't feel like traveling to Mexico is something you can drop in a lunch conversation" I say.

"I've thought about it a lot actually. I got it all planned out. Five days in the sun away from being a Bowman and all. No hockey or friends and family meddling in our relationship. Just you and me and fresh air" he says petting Max on his head.

"Okay then, I guess we're going to Cancun next month" I say and he smiles. He wraps his arms around me and starts to kiss my neck.

"I can't wait" he mumbles. His kisses become longer and deeper causing me to stop making our sandwiches.

"Patrick... what are you doing" I whisper.

"Loving you" he claims. He turns me around and takes the knife I was using to spread the mayo out of my hand and sets it down. He starts to suck on my collar bone and my eyes flutter shut. I run my fingers through his hair as he slips my hands up my shirt. He slips my shirt over my head before continuing with his kisses.

"Can we go to our room" I ask.

"Why" he wonders.

"This sounds crazy, but I feel like the dog is staring at us" I say and he looks down. Our puppy was sitting there staring up at us with his tongue out just waiting for someone to drop a piece of food.

"That is so cute yet really creepy" Patrick admits. He easily picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. He takes us to his room where we were able to finish what we started.

After finally eating lunch we head over to my uncles because he said he wanted to talk to us and we wanted to tell him we were leaving for a little anyway.

We get in and catch up with Suzanne for a little before finding all the guys in the back yard. Cam and Will were in the pool and Stan was at the grill. After getting chased by two wet boys who didn't understand that I didn't also want to be wet, Patrick and I sit on some porch chairs like we have so many times before. He grabs my hand and laces his fingers through mine before I smile at him.

"So, how is the happy couple" Stan asks.

"You called us here, shouldn't we be asking the questions" I laugh.

"We'll get there, answer some of mine first" he smirks.

"Fine, we're doing great. We have some exciting news actually" I admit.

"And what would that be" he wonders.

"Patrick and I are going to Cancun in August" I say and he smiles.

Now my uncle had been like a dad to me for a decade. He's been with me through the most important points of my life and I look to him as a dad too. He introduces himself as my dad and since we have the same last name no one usually questions it. And as far as being a parent, well he was strict like one.

"Are you guys going to be safe and responsible" he asks.

"Yes" I assure him.

"And what are you doing with the dog?"

"He's staying here with you."

"You realize they have a different currency and language, right?"

"We can exchange our money for theirs once we get there and I am fluent in Spanish."

"Who is going to watch your apartment?"

"No one, were only gone for five days" I laugh. He looks between us two before smiling.

"Are you guys excited" he asks and I finally let a breath out. He was not making this easy.

"Yes. I've never been there before" I smile.

"You better take care of her" Stan says pointing his spatula at Patrick.

"Of course sir. I have everything planned out to the very last detail" Patrick assures him. That did make me feel better.

"Okay, you've asked your questions and now I have mine. First question, where is my dad" I wonder.

"He got a call this morning that his new leg is in and he was so excited he practically flew down there to see it" he explains.

"Okay, and second question. Why did you call us here" I wonder.

"Well one was to see if you guys wanted dinner. And two was to let you guys know I will no longer be the president of hockey operations with the Hawks" he says and my heart drops. So many things run through my mind all starting with why.

"What" I ask.

"Yeah, from here on out I am the general manager of the Chicago blackhawks" he explains and I nearly jump off the chair.

"No way! That is so cool" I say giving him a hug.

"I would like to think so" he smiles.

"So what are you going to do now that you're all high and mighty" I ask as we break apart.

"My first order of business is to appoint you as assistant to the general manager. At least until next year when I can give you your own position. But you'll be doing everything you do now but be paid more than a intern and I can have you do more stuff. Anything your little heart desires" he explain.

"For real" I gasp.

"Yeah. Danny I've seen you work from before the sun rises to after the sun sets to be what you need to be. And you're getting there, I want to help you out. You don't have to take the position but it's only opened up to you" he says.

"Uncle Stan, I would love to work with you, learn from the brightest minds in the game and be who I'm supposed to be. I am a Bowman after all" I smile.

"Speaking of, how is that book coming" he asks.

"It's good, it could use a cheesy championship ending though" I admit.

"One Stanley cup on its way" he says and I smile.

We end up eating dinner there and I enjoy myself. My dad was so stoked about his new leg but he wouldn't let anyone see it yet. He wanted our first time seeing it was when he was walking. So instead they all spend dinner grilling Patrick and I questions about Cancun and our intentions there. My dad says if I come back pregnant he's either going to be the happiest man in the world or kill Patrick. Probably both though.

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